Rough-stemmed goldenrod

Prepared by Jennifer L. D’Appollonio, Assistant Scientist, University of Maine, Orono, ME 04469. Updated February 2018.

Scientific name: Solidago rugosa P. Mill.

Common name(s): rough-stemmed goldenrod, roughstem goldenrod, rough goldenrod, roughleaf goldenrod, rough-leaved goldenrod, wrinkleleaf goldenrod, wrinkle-leaved goldenrod, common wrinkle-leaved goldenrod

Link(s): USDA PLANTS Profile, NPIN Profile, Go Botany

Images: (to see enlargements [PC]: click on image, then right click and choose “view image”)


– perennial

-leaves are

  • simple
  • alternate

-can reach a height of 1-6 feet

– generally flowers late August through September  in ME

– many goldenrod species in New England, and closely related species may hybridize. Two subspecies; ssp. aspera usually in drier habitats and ssp. rugosa (more common) in wetter habitats. There is a rare hybrid in the coastal New England states; see left sidebar of Go Botany webpage


-disturbed sites

-meadows and fields



Natural History:

-gets its name from its wrinkled looking leaves

  • indentations around the veins



Haines, A., Farnsworth, E., Morrison, G., & New England Wild Flower Society. (2011). New England Wildflower Society’s Flora Novae Angliae: A manual for the identification of native and naturalized higher vascular plants of New England. Framingham, MA: New England Wild Flower Society. p. 433.

Heinrich, B. 1976. Flowering phenologies: Bog, woodland, and disturbed habitats. Ecology. 57(5):890-899.

Go Botany. “Solidago Rugosa P. Mill.” Solidago Rugosa (Common Wrinkle-Leaved Goldenrod): Go Botany, 2021,