Oneflowered broomrape

Prepared by Jennifer L. D’Appollonio, Assistant Scientist, University of Maine, Orono, ME 04469. March 2013.

Scientific name: Orobanche uniflora L.

Common name(s): oneflowered broomrape, naked broomrape, cancer root, one-flower cancer root, ghost pipe

Links: USDA PLANTS Profile, NPIN Profile, Go Botany

Images: (to see enlargements [PC]: click on image, then right click and choose “view image”)


– annual

– flowers are white to lavender, sometimes purple

-3-10 inch brownish stem

-does not contain chlorophyll

  • dependent on other plants for their nutrients

– parasitic on hosts such as sedum, goldenrods, sunflowers


-damp woods


-stream banks

-full to partial sun



DeLay, Chantelle, and Terry Miller. “One-Flowered Cancer Root (Orobanche Uniflora L.).” Forest Service Shield, U.S. Forest Service,

One-Flowered Broomrape