Hancock and Washington counties.
I had a report that there are still some pinheads and cups around the barrens on May 20th. I think we are near the end of the mummy berry season for this year. We did have conditions for another infection period from the evening of May 20th to May 21st at all weather stations in Hancock and Washington counties. If you have a later developing field or a wetter field, you may have had infection in your field. The infection periods started in the evening, 6:30pm to 8:30pm of May 20th at all weather stations. Fungicide applications for controlling mummy berry are not recommended at this time since they will have little effectiveness.
Botrytis – all areas
With bloom and long periods of wet weather, there is a risk of Botrytis blossom blight IF the fungus is present in your field. The best way to see if this is a concern is to examine early blooming clones for dead flowers and see if the flowers have the characteristic black hairs of Botrytis infection. If you do have Botrytis in early flowers, then you should be continue to monitor to see if it spreads. The risk of infection by Botrytis is higher when there is longer periods of wet weather at warmer temperatures. I do not suggest spraying for Botrytis blossom blight unless you are sure you have this disease. Remember mummy berry also kills flowers.