**MOVED TO RAIN DATE** Fall Field Day – MidCoast

Brodis Blueberries 87 Jones Hill Road, Hope, ME, United States

**MOVED TO RAIN DATE: Wednesday, October 7, 2020** We hope you can join us for a socially distanced outdoor fall field meeting! In order to attend you MUST fill out […]

Wild Blueberry Commission of Maine Video Conference/Conference Call Meeting

To join the meeting by video conference (preferred), please follow the Video Conference Link:  https://maine.zoom.us/j/81350430248?pwd=dEJNNFZmaURFYnFoOFVrUStVd1l2Zz09; and enter the Password:  480163 To join the meeting by conference call (optional), please dial:  312-626-6799; enter the Meeting ID:  813 5043 0248 and the Password:  480163 Please follow the instructions provided when you follow the link or call in […]