American water horehound
Prepared by Jennifer L. D’Appollonio, Assistant Scientist, University of Maine, Orono, ME 04469. Updated February 2018.
Scientific name: Lycopus americanus Muhl. ex W. Bartram
Common name(s): American water horehound, water horehound, American bugleweed
Link(s): USDA PLANTS Profile , NPIN Profile, Go Botany
Images: (to see enlargements [PC]: click on image, then right click and choose “view image”)
- flowering, late July. Upper leaves almost entire or have rounded teeth
- stem 4-angled with vertical grooves
- lower leaves lobed
– perennial
-simple opposite leaves
-largely toothed leaves with deep lobes
-high fire tolerance
– may be confused with L. uniflorus (has tubers) or L. virginicus (no tubers), but only in wet areas; see left sidebar on Go Botany webpage.
-shade tolerant
Natural History:
-can be used as a analgesic or gastro-intestinal aid
Go Botany. “Lycopus Americanus Muhl. Ex W. Bart.” Lycopus Americanus (American Water-Horehound): Go Botany, 2020,
Natural REsource Conservation Service. “Conservation Plant Characteristics for ScientificName (CommonName): USDA PLANTS.” Conservation Plant Characteristics for ScientificName (CommonName) | USDA PLANTS, USDA, 2021,