Oxeye daisy
Prepared by Jennifer L. D’Appollonio, Assistant Scientist, University of Maine, Orono, ME 04469. March 2011.
Scientific name: Leucanthemum vulgare Lam.; old Chrysanthemum leucanthemum L.
Common name(s): oxeye daisy, ox-eye daisy, field daisy, marguerite, moon daisy
Links: USDA PLANTS Profile, Go Botany
Images: (to see enlargements [PC]: click on image, then right click and choose “view image”)
- in flower, early June
- leaves and stem
- mid-July
– perennial
-leaves are:
- simple
- alternate
- lobed
-can grow up to 2 feet
– flowers June through August
-disturbed land
-meadows and fields
-river shores
-full to partial sun
Natural History:
-native to Europe and Asia
-introduced to the U.S. for garden and ornamental uses
-the leaves can be eaten raw or cooked
-the young spring shoots and root can be eaten raw
Hansen, R.W., S.B. Hansen and E.A. Osgood. 1991. Reproductive phenologies of selected flowering plants in eastern Maine forests. ME Agric. Exp. Station Tech. Bull. 143. 17 pp.
Heinrich, B. 1976. Flowering phenologies: Bog, woodland, and disturbed habitats. Ecology. 57(5):890-899.
Go Botany. “Leucanthemum Vulgare Lam.” Leucanthemum Vulgare (Ox-Eye Daisy): Go Botany, 2021, gobotany.nativeplanttrust.org/species/leucanthemum/vulgare/.
Plants For a Future. “Leucanthemum Vulgare – Lam.” Leucanthemum Vulgare Ox-Eye Daisy, Marguerite PFAF Plant Database, 2021, pfaf.org/user/Plant.aspx?LatinName=Leucanthemum+vulgare.