Virginia strawberry

Prepared by Jennifer L. D’Appollonio, Assistant Scientist, University of Maine, Orono, ME 04469. Updated February 2018.

Scientific name: Fragaria virginiana Duchesne

Common name(s): Virginia strawberry, wild strawberry, common strawberry

Links: USDA PLANTS Profile, NPIN Profile, Go Botany

Images: (to see enlargements [PC]: click on image, then right click and choose “view image”)


– perennial

– generally flowers spring to June in Maine


– fruits June, July

-Stout crown formed at ground level

Leaves are:

  • leaf stalks 2″-6″ long,
  • hairy
  • three oval serrated leaflets.

-Flowers are:

  • white
  • 5 petaled
  • 1/2″-1″ wide usually no taller than leaves.

-Fruit is red, round and juicy with seeds deeply embedded in the flesh.

– three subspecies, and also may be confused with F. vesca; see Go Botany webpage


-full sun



-meadows and fields



Haines, A., Farnsworth, E., Morrison, G., & New England Wild Flower Society. (2011). New England Wildflower Society’s Flora Novae Angliae: A manual for the identification of native and naturalized higher vascular plants of New England. Framingham, MA: New England Wild Flower Society. p. 789.

Hansen, R.W., S.B. Hansen and E.A. Osgood. 1991. Reproductive phenologies of selected flowering plants in eastern Maine forests. ME Agric. Exp. Station Tech. Bull. 143. 17 pp.

Anderson, Kat M. “Plant GuidePlant Materials Plant Fact Sheet/Guide Coordination Page National Plant Data Center MOUNTAIN STRAWBERRYFragaria Virginiana Duchesne.” Plant Guide, USDA NRCS, 2006,