Northern red oak
Prepared by Jennifer L. D’Appollonio, Assistant Scientist, University of Maine, Orono, ME 04469. Updated February 2018.
Scientific name: Quercus rubra L.
Common name(s): northern red oak
Links: USDA PLANTS Profile, NPIN Profile, Go Botany
Images: (to see enlargements [PC]: click on image, then right click and choose “view image”)
- young leaves, end of May
- in recently leveled blueberry field
- sun leaves
- shade leaves
- leaf detail
-Fagaceae family
-can grow to 20-30 meters tall and have a 36 in DBH
-fruit is an acorn
- occurs singularly or in clusters of 2-5
-begins to bear fruit at age 25
-do not grow fast enough to compete with fast woody sprouts
– may be confused with Q. velutina or Q. coccinea, which is endangered in ME; see left sidebar on Go Botany webpage
-The most destructive defoliating insect attacking northern red oak is the imported gypsy moth (Lymantria dispar).
-damage is done to northern red oak acorns by
- the nut weevils (Curculio spp.)
- gall-forming cynipids (Callirhytis spp.)
- the filbertworm (Melissopus latiferreanus)
- the acorn moth (Valentinia glandulella)
-acorns are an important food for squirrels deer, turkey, mice, voles, and other mammals and birds
Sander, Ivan L. “Norther Red Oak.” Quercus Rubra L, USDA, U.S. Forest Service,