Data Center

Internal Revenue Service (IRS) — Official site of the IRS.

Maine & Company — Map of Maine with area profiles.

Maine Department of Labor — Official site of the Maine Department of Labor.

Maine Revenue Service — Official site of the Maine Revenue Service.

Maine State Planning Office — Economic and demographic information including the MaineGraph, retail sales data, regional economic forecasts, and much more.

Microbusiness Employment Levels by County — Maine Microbusiness and Employment Levels by County.

Microbusiness Employment Levels by State — Maine Microbusiness and Employment Levels by State.

Social Security Administration — Electronically verify employee Social Security numbers, file W-2 forms electronically and much more.

United States Census Bureau — Official site of the Census Bureau.

United States Patent and Trademark Office — Official site of the Patent and Trademark Office.

Links to other websites are provided purely for educational purposes. No responsibility is assumed for any content on the linked sites.