October 2021 4-H News
Cumberland County 4-H News
4-H Calendar
State 4-H News
4-H Club Happenings
Other UMaine Extension Cumberland County News
October 6-17, 2021: Tractor Supply Company’s Fall Paper Clover Event
October 18: 4-H Maker Program, Online, 4:30 – 5:30PM
October 18: 4-H Information Night for new members and volunteers, Online, 6:30-7:30PM, email eavan.sibolelittle@maine.edu to RSVP
October 21: CC 4-H Leaders Meeting, 7:00-9:00 PM, Online & 80 Huston Road, Gorham, ME
October 25th: 4-H Project Records 2020-21 due to the Extension office
4-H Information Night – Online via Zoom – Monday, October 18th – 6:30 – 7:30PM
Join Mitch Mason, 4-H Extension Educator and Sara Conant, 4-H Professional, and some 4-H volunteers to learn all about what 4-H can offer youth and volunteers alike. We will discuss what 4-H is, clubs currently offered in Cumberland County, how to start your own club, educational toolkits and resources available, how to become a volunteer or member, and more! We will also have plenty of time for questions. For more information, to RSVP, or to request a disability accommodation, email Eavan Sibole at eavansibolelittle@maine.edu or call 207.781.6099 or 800.287.1471 (in Maine only).
Teen Council Meeting October 25, 4:30-5:30PM, via Zoom – Seeking New Members
We are looking for youth (4-H or non-4-H) between the ages of 12 and 18 who are interested in gaining more leadership and event planning skills. This year the Teen Council will include six meeting/events November-June and the opportunity to plan our newest County event, True Leaders in Service. Our first meeting will be held on Monday, October 25th 4:30 – 5:30PM via Zoom to brainstorm ideas for Winterfest (our end of year celebration and awards event). This is an opportunity to create a whole new spin on a classic 4-H event, all ideas are welcome!
Email or call Sara, sara.conant@maine.edu, 207.781.6099 if you’re interested in learning more or joining Teen Council!
Maker Monday Series is Back!
One afternoon each month, October – December, Sara will offer a free, virtual, themed-activity for youth ages 5-18. Current 4-H enrollment is not necessary for participation in the Maker Monday program. You can choose to join us for one project or all three.
- Dates: October 18; November 15; and December 13
- Time: 4:30 – 5:30PM
- Location: Online Via Zoom
- Cost: FREE Supply Kits Provided
October 18, 2021: Melted Crayon Art
November 15, 2021: Fall Felt Leaves Wreath
December 13, 2021: Snowflake Science
For more information and to register, visit the 4-H Maker Series page
Paul Merrill Memorial Fund
The Paul E. Merrill 4-H Memorial Fund was established as a memorial to Paul E. Merrill who died in April 1982. Mr. Merrill firmly believed in the merits of the 4-H program and in the character-building qualities of learning to care for and raise livestock. This fund is a splendid way to carry on the beliefs of Mr. Merrill and in doing so, encourage youth to grow in character and ability as Mr. Merrill had done. It is designed to provide financial aid for projects from the interest of the account to 4-H livestock clubs or 4-H members with livestock projects. The application deadline is November 1, 2021.
For more information and an application, please visit the Paul Merrill Memorial Fund page.
Awards Packets and Start-Up Packets
Awards Packets for the 2021-2022 4-H year were mailed early in September to all Primary Club leaders. If you have not received your packet, or have questions please contact Sara. For more information about how to complete your project records, please visit extension.umaine.edu/4h/volunteers/project-records/. Awards Packets are due to the UMaine Extension Cumberland Office by 3:00 pm, Monday, October 25, 2021.
Start-Up packets for the new 4-H year have been mailed to all Primary Club Leaders. For those that requested individual membership forms to be sent to your members, those will go out the second week in October.
The Leaders Association is Holding Elections for 2021-2023 Board Members
The Leaders Association is holding elections at the November meeting and is taking nominations for Association Board Members and Vice President. There can be nominations for any of the positions from the floor. Anyone who is a certified 4-H volunteer interested in running please contact Pat Stack, pat.stack70@gmail.com.
The current slate of Board Members is
- Ralph Clark
- Connie Wood
- Board Seat 3 – Seeking Nominations
- Board Seat 4 – Seeking Nominations
- Vice President – Seeking Nominations
Commitment & Benefits for Being a Board Member:
- Attend all Leaders Association & Board of Directors Meetings of the CC 4-H Leaders Associations. Third Thursday of the month, 7:00-9:00PM: October, November, January, March, May, June (Board), August, September (Board)
- Guide the direction of Cumberland County 4-H Youth Development Programs including scholarships, camperships, and events.
- Continue to strengthen the largest 4-H program in Maine through a new volunteer role.
The Leaders Association meeting to vote in these Officers will be held November 18, at Gorham Public Works, 80 Huston Road, Gorham, 7:00 – 9:00 PM.
The October Leader’s Meeting will be held on October 21st at the Gorham Public Works Building at 7:00PM. All volunteers are welcome and encouraged to attend!
IRS 990 N E-Postcard Filing Reminder: Due November 15, 2021
All 4-H Clubs must have an Employer Identification Number (EIN) from the Internal Revenue Service. If you have already applied for and received an EIN and had this number for the tax year July 2020 – June 2021 you must file a 990N E-Postcard. Detailed instructions are available online from the IRS and have been updated on the Additional Volunteer Policies B.1. page (under the heading, B.1.9 Tax-Exempt Status of 4-H Organizations) of the state 4-H website. If you need assistance with filing or would like the County 4-H Office to file for you, please email or call Sara, sara.conant@maine.edu, 207-781-6099.
Tractor Supply Paper Clover Fall Campaign, October 6-17, 2021
Invite friends and family to support 4-H by donating $1 at check out when they are done shopping at their local Tractor Supply. 100% of each dollar goes to 4-H. 90% of all funds collected to support local and state 4-H programs right where you live. At this time no 4-H club in-store fundraisers or activities are being encouraged by Tractor Supply but you can still get the word out about donating!
State 4-H News October 2021
Minerals and Gems: Maine 4-H STEM Toolkit of the Month
Each month we will be highlighting a different 4-H STEM Toolkit available from UMaine Cooperative Extension 4-H Program! Maine has a rich history of mineral mining, especially in the western part of the state. Currently sand and gravel are the principal resources being mined, but granite and slate are also extracted. In certain parts of the state limestone and gemstones are mined successfully. The Minerals and Gems 4-H Science Toolkit was developed to introduce youth to these geologic resources. The toolkit contains eleven experiential learning activities and includes samples of minerals and gems found in Maine. Youth will explore those minerals and gems using standard identification methods and tools (such as hardness and streak). Youth will explore the structure of those minerals, and will learn where in Maine minerals are found – and why! This Maine 4-H Toolkit was created with the generous support of the Maine Mineral and Gem Museum. Learn more about this, and other 4-H STEM Toolkits online, where you can see what is available for different age groups or topic areas.
Maine 4-H Dairy Team Earns Blue Ribbons at The Big E
On Friday, Sept 17, and Saturday, Sept 18th, Maine sent four 4-H Dairy members down to The Big E to compete against other New England states in a newly formatted set of competitions. The day started with the 4-H Dairy Quiz Bowl Contest and ended with two 4-H Dairy cooking competitions, Grilled Cheese and Extreme Milkshake. The Maine Quiz bowl Coach (and Chaperone) Wendy Landry helped the team prepare for the event in the months prior. The four youth members, Owen B. from Penobscot County, Ali L. from Cumberland County, Jillian S. from Cumberland County, and Kat L. from Cumberland County won first place in the 4-H Dairy Quiz Bowl Contest. All team members take a written General Knowledge test before the team competitions, scores are used to seed the teams for the buzzer rounds. Maine 4-H member Kat Leach received High-Scoring Jr., and team member Jillian S. received High-Scoring Sr. in the written exams. Owen, Jillian, and Ali also took home the 1st place for their grilled cheese sandwich which consisted of extra sharp cheddar cheese, colby jack cheese, grilled chicken, bacon, and ranch dressing on homemade sourdough bread. In addition, Kat and Owen received 1st place for their entry into the Extreme Milkshake completion. The recipe included 100% Maine ingredients, locally made vanilla ice cream, fresh blueberry milk, whoopie pies, and blueberry cake and topped with a lobster lollipop.
Plan Your College of Engineering Enhanced Visit
Sign up online through the Admissions Office to attend a College of Engineering Enhanced Visit! Each Friday, the tour starts at 10:00 am and ends at 12:00 pm. This tour covers the following majors of College of Engineering: Bioengineering, Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Engineering Physics, Mechanical Engineering, Construction Management Technology, Electrical Engineering Technology, Mechanical Engineering Technology, Survey Engineering Technology, School of Engineering Technology. Registration closes ONE WEEK before tour date. To register, and to see other opportunities to learn about UMaine, visit: go.umaine.edu/visit/.
Maine 4-H Virtual Teen Science Cafes
Maine 4-H Virtual Teen Science Cafes are back this fall! Youth in grades 7-12 are invited to join us this season as we explore topics in environmental science. Sessions will be offered one Thursday a month from 3-4pm, starting October 28. Registration coming soon, please check our website for more details.
4-H Agriculture Leadership Opportunity for Teens
The Maine 4-H Ag Leadership Program is accepting registrations for an eight-week agricultural education and leadership experience. This program is open to Maine youth ages 14-18. Youth involved in this program will have opportunities to pursue their interest in agriculture and explore career pathways. This includes mentoring in post-secondary opportunities, as well as sparking a passion to investigate and explore current issues around food systems, livestock, crop sciences, aquaculture, climate issues impacting food systems, social justice around food equity, and more. There is not a requirement to have previous 4-H membership, this program is open to all Maine youth with an interest.
These opportunities will begin with a creation of an online learning cohort and will also include in-person experiences across the state and on the UMaine Campus.
Visit the Maine 4-H Agricultural Leadership Ambassador Program webpage for more information or to register.
Get Involved in the Wildlife Habitat Education Program (WHEP)
Do you like wild animals, trees, and the environment? Are you thinking about pursuing a career in land stewardship or wildlife management? Then you might like the Wildlife Habitat Education Program! WHEP is a 4-H and FFA program aimed at educating young people about wildlife habitat management. All ages are welcome, but the program is best suited for ages 8 to 18. In addition to learning how to identify wildlife, fish, animal tracks, and trees, youth participate in an annual state competition to test their knowledge! Particularly knowledgeable youth aged 14-18 may compete in the National WHEP contest!
Attend the Zoom informational session on October 26th at 6:30 pm to find out more about how you can get involved as a volunteer or youth participant. Register today! Contact Erin McDonald in York County if you have any questions: erin.mcdonald1@maine.edu or 207-324-2814.
Club Happenings
Your 4-H Club Happenings could be featured here! Just email sara.conant@maine.edu by the 25th of each month with information about your club meetings, events, or fundraisers. Pictures are always a plus!
Other UMaine Extension Cumberland County News
UMaine Extension Cumberland County offers many different workshops throughout the year. To learn more about our workshop offerings please visit https://extension.umaine.edu/cumberland/upcoming-events/