Growing to Give

Address: 30 East Coxon Rd. Brunswick, ME 04011

Harvest for Hunger MGV project map icon

Growing to Give, a nonprofit food bank project at Scatter Good Farm in Brunswick, grows organic vegetables using climate-friendly methods and donates them to local people facing food insecurity, partnering with local food pantries. We will have 1/2 acre in cultivation in 2019, including 3 high tunnels. In 2018, we grew and donated almost 17,000 lbs. of vegetables. We welcome both regular and once-in-a-while volunteers to assist with seeding, transplanting seedlings, weeding, mulching, trellising, watering, and greenhouse tasks. Most of our harvesting is done by the Merrymeeting Gleaners and the Androscoggin Gleaners, who also welcome Master Gardener Volunteers.  Come spend some time with great people in a beautiful setting, working with rich soil and healthy plants in service to neighbors in need. Individuals, families, and groups are welcome. For more information, go to Project Coordinator: Theda Lyden and Cathy McDonald