Fruit Trees and Small Fruits

What advice do you have for pruning semi-draft apple trees?

Question: Can I have someone or can you recommend someone who can give me some on-site apple pruning advice? I have three semi-dwarf trees that aren’t neglected, but just amateurly pruned every year. I have a lot of what I think is excess growth on these 15 year old trees. Answer: Lynne M. Holland, Horticulture […]

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What is some preseason advice for grape vines?

Question: I am unsure if I have a disease problem, an appropriate care problem, a pruning issue, or some other issue. Obviously the two vines are dormant now, but I would appreciate some preseason advice. Answer: Lynne M. Holland, Horticulture and Social Media Professional It is really difficult to diagnose that there is a problem […]

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What are some best practices when planting a cherry tree?

Question: When is the best time to plant a cherry tree?  Can a single tree be planted or does there need to be two trees planted relatively close to one another? Answer: Jonathan Foster, Community Education Assistant Early spring is the time to plant cherry trees, once the ground is thawed but after the highest […]

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What causes the pits/knots in my pears that makes them inedible?

Question: Last year many of our pear trees (we have about 10 varieties) had fruits with pits or knots in them making lots of the fruits nearly inedible. What causes this, and is there anything I can do to correct it? I always prune my trees in the same way, and also thin the fruitlets […]

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When do you prune crabapple trees?

Question: When do you prune crabapple trees? Answer: Jonathan Foster, Community Education Assistant Crabapple trees should ideally be pruned in very late winter or early spring–during their dormant period to minimize risk of the pruning stimulating new growth in the wrong time of year. Plus, it’s a lot easier to see what you’re doing before […]

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Should I prune Anne raspberry plants now?

Question: I bought two Anne raspberry plants.  Should they be cut down now? Answer: Jonathan Foster, Community Education Assistant I recommend first familiarizing yourself with the plant’s life cycle in our our Extension video (Growing Raspberries), by Extension Specialist David Hanley; the last part of the video specifically deals with “ever-bearing” varieties like your ‘Anne.’ Then move […]

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How do I rejuvenate an old apple tree?

Question: I have an old apple tree that is a family landmark. It is very overgrown and produces tiny apples. I would like to rejuvenate it. Are there any resources about pruning and care? Answer: Jonathan Foster, Community Education Assistant You’ll find all the answer you need for pruning your apple trees in our UMaine […]

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Why are so many apples on my Cortland tree dropping before they fully ripen?

Question:  Why are so many apples on my Cortland tree dropping before they fully ripen? They are sour and the seeds are not brown yet. Answer: Jonathan Foster, Community Education Assistant There are numerous reasons why your Cortlands might be dropping underripe fruit. Dry conditions can exacerbate early fruit drop, so you may just be […]

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