
When and how often should I mow my small meadow?

Question: I have allowed my front yard to become a meadow this year. It is a small front yard in Portland, with two large maple trees along the street. (Plus a third one just on the neighbor’s side of our driveway). Should I mow the meadow this fall, in order to accommodate raking the substantial […]

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How can I turn my lawn into a native wild flower pature?

Question: I’m a new gardener living in York, Maine. I have a very large yard, but was hoping to “rewild” an area of lawn. My goal would be to create a native wild flower pasture, perhaps with native shrubs and trees. However, I have no idea where to start. Is there anyone or any resources […]

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What can I plant over a leach field?

Question: What can I plant over a leach field? There is a small hill ( about eight steps up) to the septic tank. There is also a slight dip downhill from the other side of the leach field. What is safe and okay to plant in these areas? Answer: Katherine Garland, Horticultural Professional This is […]

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What can I do to control grubs in my lawn?

Question: I live on Vinalhaven island and we have been experiencing a lot of raccoon damage to lawns as they forage for something underground. I am told it is probably grubs, but I don’t know. My question is, can we do anything to control the grubs or whatever is the food source? I have tried […]

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When is the best time to seed a lawn and what type of grass is best?

Question: My husband and I are building a new home in Kennebunkport (Cape Porpoise). We are finally getting close to completion and are wondering about seeding the lawn. Should we wait until spring? Or will the grass have time to grown and harden off before winter so that it will survive? Is there a specific […]

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Can beneficial nematodes help control Japanese beetles?

Question: I have read that beneficial nematodes may be helpful in controlling a Japanese beetle infestation that is attacking my vegetables, flowers, and shrubs. If so, what kind should I be looking for? Where can I get them? How are they applied? Answer: Here’s information from Maine’s YardScaping Program, including links to a nematode fact […]

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