Garden Design and Maintenance

Why is asparagus not growing well this year?

Question: We planted asparagus four years ago, harvesting for the first time last year. We had a long and abundant harvest last year. This year we have experienced next to no shoots. Should we be concerned? Is there something we should do to encourage growth again next year? Are the good years and bad years […]

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How do you control Virginia Creeper?

Question: I find the Virginia Creeper to be a very invasive plant. It climbs up my lilacs 20 ft high, basically anything that isn’t evergreen. I went to trim my forsythia and half of what I cut off were Creeper vines. I also battled Norway Maples and the small leafed rose that are defined as […]

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Who do I remove Northeastern Sedge from my native wildflower meadow?

Question: I’ve been working with NRCS in establishing a native wildflower meadow on my property. The field is around 0.15 acres. I am in year two and Northeastern Sedge has taken over the field. Any suggestions? I thought about burning the field this fall and reseeding during frost heaving conditions.  Answer: Jonathan Foster, Home Horticulture […]

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What would be a good ground cover companion to lilacs?

Question: What would be a good ground cover companion for lilac? Our lilacs are on the west side of the house so there is only partial sun. Right now the area is beset by Dame’s rocket, goutweed, and sunchokes. I’m trying to weed them out and will need to replace them. What might be best? […]

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Is buckwheat a good cover crop to plant around my new house?

Question: I have a newly constructed house that’s surrounded by bulldozed land with a 15% – 20% grade that is mostly gravel and clay. I want to plant a cover crop to enrich the soil and prevent erosion while I plan what to do with the property. I’m thinking of buckwheat which will die back […]

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Is it safe to grow milkweed over a septic drain field?

Question: Is it safe to grow milkweed over a septic drain field? Answer: Jonathan Foster, Home Horticulture Outreach Professional As much as we love milkweed (Asclepias syriaca) for its attractiveness to pollinators (not to mention monarch butterflies), I believe I would hold off on growing it over your leach field. As you probably know from your question, […]

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