Garden Design and Maintenance

How do you trim a hedge row of arborvitae?

Question: I was wondering if you can tell me when and how to trim my hedge row of arborvitae?  I need to cut off about six to eight feet off the height of this hedge row. Answer: Jonathan Foster, Special Projects Assistant Arborvitae can be topped, but you do run the risk of leaving some […]

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What plants should I use to replace Rosa Rugosas in my landscape?

Question: The former owners of our home had planted many Rosa rugosa plants, which faces southeast and gets plenty of sun. I’d like to replace these with more interesting plants and would love your suggestions. Maybe SHORT height hydrangea, some evergreens, peonies? I’d like it to be attractive through all seasons, and low maintenance. Answer: […]

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What are recommendations for low maintenance, ecologically sound replacements for lawns?

Question: What does recent research recommend as alternative, low-maintenance, ecologically sound replacements for lawns. Is there recommended ground covers for shady areas or extra dry areas that can be planted to reduce lawn area? Answer: Jonathan Foster, Special Projects Assistant Some common groundcover alternatives to turfgrass include creeping thyme (Thymus serpyllum), creeping juniper (Juniperus horizontalis), creeping phlox (Phlox […]

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What concerns should I have about the wider ecosystem if I’m considering adding Mycorrhizae to the soil around my roses?

Question: What concerns should I have about the wider ecosystem if I’m considering adding Mycorrhizae to the soil around my roses? Answer: Jonathan Foster, Special Projects Assistant As you probably know, based on your question, mycorrhizae are soil-based fungal organisms that form symbiotic relationships with almost all terrestrial plant roots, exchanging their vastly greater surface area’s ability […]

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Has the rainy weather prevented my seeds from germinating?

Question: Since the constant rains stopped, I have tried to replant crops that were ruined with no success. I have planted lettuce, beans, and peas several times with no germination (visible, anyway). Now, I find a lot of my neighbors have had the same problem. My garden was never under water, but we did have […]

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Can I divide and replant flowers in the summer?

Question: I have several overgrown garden beds where the plants need to be divided and replanted elsewhere. Included are: iris, daylily, lily, evening primrose, hosta, daisies, and some form of mint.  I would like to tackle this now, but the recommendations are to wait until late summer/early fall or next spring. What is your advice? […]

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How can we save a lilac that has fungus growing on it?

Question: We have a dark purple lilac that had this fungus show up this spring on it, or at least that’s when we noticed it. It is well blossoming, plenty of leaves, etc. I am afraid this may be a death sentence for it but have learned not to necessarily rely on the internet. If […]

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