Ask the Expert

Is there a way to keep deer out of the garden space in my yard?

Question: I am having trouble with deer invading the small garden in my yard. I am growing in pots on my deck, but all I have planted in the yard are garlic and onions! Are there any edibles that I can plant which deer don’t like? Answer: Jonathan Foster, Special Project Assistant I recommend checking […]

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Are there any cover crops that will keep Japanese Knotweed growth down?

Question: I am trying to find a good cover crop plant for my yard that will keep Japanese Knotweed growth down. Clover is popular right now so that was on my mind. If there are any native plants that might outcompete Japanese Knotweed, I would love to know!  Answer: Jonathan Foster, Special Project Assistant Japanese […]

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Will adding seaweed to my garden bed affect the well water below it?

Question: I would like to cover a garden bed with seaweed. My well is under this bed. Will my water be affected by this?  Answer: Jonathan Foster, Special Project Assistant Seaweed is an excellent amendment for garden beds, with many benefits and advantages over other fertilizers and mulches (please see this entry by my colleague Liz […]

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Is “No-Mow May” beneficial?

Question: I heard that “No-mow May” is more harmful than reducing the amount of mowing, or “Low-mow May”, which would increase the number of pollinator plants in the lawn.  Which is correct?  Answer: Lynne Holland, Horticulture and Social Media Professional  The answer to your questions of no-mow vs low-mow May is that “It depends.”. The purpose […]

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What is the best time to plant potatoes in our raised garden beds?

Question: What is the best time to plant potatoes in our raised garden beds? Answer: Jonathan Foster, Special Project Assistant For reference, I include the UMaine Extension Planting Chart and Schedule, but as you’ll see you are already in the planting window for potatoes (5/1 -6/1 in central Maine, 10-14 days earlier for coastal areas). […]

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What are the best flowers for a leach field?

Question: The septic tank and leach field were just installed at my new home (there is nothing growing on it at all, just dirt). The slope off the back side of the leach field is steeper than what I’m comfortable mowing. I read an article here titled “establishment of vegetable gardens on septic system disposal […]

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