Ask the Expert

Is the hosta disease, HVX, a problem in Maine?

Question: Is the hosta disease, HVX, a problem in Maine? Answer: Jonathan Foster, Special Project Assistant  As you may know, Hosta Virus X is a contagious pathogen among hostas that causes disfiguring/unsightly leaf mottling, texturing, and, in extreme cases, tissue death. Not all cultivars are equally susceptible, and symptoms can be subtle in some hostas, […]

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Do I need to increase the copper and iron levels in my soil?

Question: Last year I had a soil test done through the University of Maine Cooperative Extension. The copper and iron levels were a bit low (copper=0.10/ iron-2.7). Do I need to increase these levels? How would I do that? I’ve read that the soil pH level affects uptake of these micronutrients. My soil pH is […]

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What is a native plant that can be used to replace lawn turfgrass?

Question: We’re looking to replace our lawn grass with a low-growing, low-maintenance native plant. The area is about a quarter of an acre, in full sun.  Answer: Jonathan Foster, Special Project Assistant  Common groundcover alternatives to turfgrass include creeping thyme (Thymus serpyllum), creeping juniper (Juniperus horizontalis), creeping phlox (Phlox stolonifera), bearberry (Arctastaphyllos uva-ursi), and Dutch white clover (Trifolium repens), […]

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Is there a yellow rose that is hardy to Maine?  

Question: Is there a yellow rose that is hardy to Maine?   Answer: Jonathan Foster, Special Project Assistant  I’ve done a bit of research into yellow roses hardy for Maine and have a few resources for you to consider: Iowa State Univ Extension page on Griffith Buck roses (Dr. Buck spent his career developing roses hardy in […]

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Why are the leaves turning yellow on my clematis vine?

Question: What is happening to my clematis vine? It has yellowing leaves.  This is the second year in a row with the same problem. Answer: Jonathan Foster, Special Project Assistant  There are several potential causes for yellowing in clematis foliage. The only pathological cause we would typically worry about is tomato ringspot virus, but it […]

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Are there small flowers that can be grown in the lawn for spring bloom?

Question: I’d like to know if there are small flowers that can be grown in the lawn for spring blooming that will be either done blooming or low enough when my husband mows the lawn that they don’t get cut? Answer: Lynne M. Holland, Horticulture and Social Media Professional Which low-blooming flowers will work for […]

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How can you control Mugwort?

Question: I have a 500 sq. ft. area that has been left wild for the last 10 years. I recently had it fenced in to keep out the deer. It is mostly covered with golden rod, wild daisies, pussy toes, some sweet fern, grasses, etc., and unfortunately, in part of the area, I believe I […]

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How can you get rid of apple worms?

Question: We have a Liberty apple tree. We planted this variety because it was supposed to be pest resistant. Each year we have the worst case of apple worms I have ever seen.  I believe these worms are from the coddling moth. We use only organic methods in our yard. Can you give us some […]

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How can you rid of Equisetum Arvense?

Question: I have Equisetum Arvense invading my lawn, flower beds, and rhubarb and blueberry patches.  Last year, I very carefully cut the small plants off at the ground level and disposed of them in the trash. They have come back and are spreading. From what I have read, there is no easy (or any?) solution. […]

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