Ask the Expert

Should I prune the new shoots of my young pear tree?

Question: I have a McLaughlin Pear tree that I did not prune well in the spring, before the leaves emerged. It is now early June, and the three-year old pear has several shoots growing rapidly that are very low to the ground. Is it best to let it grow and prune these off next spring? […]

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What is the best least toxic way to get rid of Oriental Bittersweet?

Question: What is the best least toxic way to get rid of Oriental Bittersweet without using Roundup? Answer: Jonathan Foster, Special Project Assistant  I’m sorry to hear you’re dealing with oriental bittersweet (Celastrus orbiculatus), as it can be quite a chore to remove. The Penn State Univ Extension has an excellent page on the plant, including […]

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How do you prune a lilac tree?

Question: I have a white lilac that is needing to be pruned/trimmed and don’t know who to call to do it. It is healthy and blooms all over but some of the branches are growing up into wires that go from corner of my house across street to pole. I would like to have it […]

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Why is my cherry tree not blossoming and has few leaves?

Question: I have a Weeping Cherry tree in my yard that did not blossom and has very few leaves. Most of the branches are bare, looking dead. A neighbor about four houses away also has a smaller weeping cherry tree in the same situation. Could you please advise how we can help diagnose or treat […]

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How do I manage a large outbreak of aphids?

Question: I have a huge burning bush. The last few years I have been battling aphids. Last year I didn’t do anything and realized the problem wasn’t that bad after not spraying it with soapy water as usual. This year, however, they are incredibly bad. They seem to have taken over the entire bush, including […]

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Should I remove a pear tree that produces gnarled fruit?

Question: I have a pear tree that produces gnarled fruit that is impossible to eat. Is this something that can be treated or must I remove the tree? My research leans toward tree removal. Answer: Lynne M. Holland, Horticulture and Social Media Professional Gnarled pears that are hard (never ripen) can be the symptom of several […]

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How do you grow Big Bluestem in a container?

Question: Can Big Bluestem be grown in a 5 X 2.5 foot deep container or another size container? How many plants per container and what should the size be? I am looking to do this so the plants are not in the ground and become too invasive yet I want it for screening a neighbor.  […]

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How can we save a Stewartia tree where the upper half is dead?

Question: We have a 12-foot tall Stewartia tree that has done well and flowered every year…except for this year. The upper half is dead. How can we save it? Answer: Lynne M. Holland, Horticulture and Social Media Professional Stewartia is an awesome tree for year-round interest and a relatively recent addition to the Maine landscape.  Technically they are […]

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