Ask the Expert

What are your recommendations for planting hollyhock seeds in the fall?

Question:  I would like advice about planting hollyhock seeds this fall in Ogunquit.  Answer: Lynne M. Holland, Horticulture and Social Media Professional Hollyhocks can bring on conflicting directions as they can be perennial or biennial. Old-fashioned varieties are biennial and produce a plant in year one and flower in year two then die.  This information from […]

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Why are oak trees dropping clusters of leaves recently?

Question: Why are oak trees dropping clusters of leaves recently? Is it due to drought? Answer: Jonathan Foster, Community Education Assistant As it happens, this is a timely question and you aren’t the only homeowner who has noticed the clusters of leaf litter–we’re getting it about oaks and pines, as well. The culprit is most likely […]

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Why are so many apples on my Cortland tree dropping before they fully ripen?

Question:  Why are so many apples on my Cortland tree dropping before they fully ripen? They are sour and the seeds are not brown yet. Answer: Jonathan Foster, Community Education Assistant There are numerous reasons why your Cortlands might be dropping underripe fruit. Dry conditions can exacerbate early fruit drop, so you may just be […]

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Are yellowjackets and ants leaving holes in my apples?

Question: I have been finding large holes eaten in my apples that are still on the tree. I have found yellowjackets and ants in the holes. I’m wondering if the yellowjackets are eating the holes and the ants move in for the sweetness. I know it’s too late to do anything this year, so I […]

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What crop can I plant where my bush green beans were?

Question: What should I plant in the bed where my bush green beans – now tired out! – were growing? I would like to have another crop from that space. Answer: Jonathan Foster, Community Education Assistant This is an excellent time to be thinking about squeezing in some fall, cool season crops in the open […]

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What are some effective methods to reduce the Japanese beetle population?

Question: The Japanese beetle population my large perennial beds has been increasing greatly every year despite hand-picking and using Captain Jack’s Deadbug Brew Spray (sparingly and in the evening, as I’m concerned about harming bees). Are there other methods that would be more effective and/or also reduce the population?  Answer: Jonathan Foster, Community Education Assistant […]

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