Ask the Expert

What is the correct way to condition hay bales for gardening?

Question: I’m conditioning hay bales for planting. They have had three doses of Urea @ 1/2 C./bale, and 3 doses of Urea @ 1/4 C./bale. Bales are now on day ten. They are well watered. Today, I saw one source that recommended 2 C./lime/bale. So, I added that before checking to see what other sites […]

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Is it safe to grow milkweed over a septic drain field?

Question: Is it safe to grow milkweed over a septic drain field? Answer: Jonathan Foster, Home Horticulture Outreach Professional As much as we love milkweed (Asclepias syriaca) for its attractiveness to pollinators (not to mention monarch butterflies), I believe I would hold off on growing it over your leach field. As you probably know from your question, […]

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How do you determine how much to water native bushes and trees?

Question: I am in charge of watering a newly established native bush and tree garden. I know that I should water if we do not receive 1 inch of rain per week. I have been trying to understand your native plant bulletins, but they are not all that easy. Many note that I should add […]

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Why is my Flowering Crabapple tree not blooming?

Question: We have had a Flowering Crabapple tree (not fruit one) for three years. The first two years it was excellent. This year it’s not blooming. It is not 5′ high and has buds. It is alive but there are no blooms. Answer: Jonathan Foster, Home Horticulture Outreach Professional There are a few reasons your […]

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Can I use Bugleweed in place of Fescue grass lawn? Is it invasive?

Question: I have Chocolate Chip Ajuga Bugleweed on my property. It’s very happy and I really like the look of it. I’m interested in converting most of my lawn to a native grass and perennial meadow, though it will not be 100% native. I wanted to check in with your expert gardeners to see if […]

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How can I control Japanese Knotweed on my new property?

Question: I am a new homeowner and have found an infestation of Japanese Knotweed on my 1/2 acre lot. It is in the front and back lawn. lt has also spread over the fence to my neighbors yard. It is coming up in other places that should be mowed periodically over the summer. I am […]

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What could be causing my Viburnum to have yellow spots and curled leaves?

Question: I’m seeing yellow spots on my Lil’ Ditty Witherod Viburnum and the leaves are starting to curl. I cannot see any insects though a nearby different variety Viburnum has visible aphid activity & curling leaves. Answer: Jonathan Foster, Home Horticulture Outreach Professional I’m sorry to hear about the viburnum issues. The visible aphid activity […]

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