Managing Insect, Diseases, and Animal Pests

What are the small insects causing the leaves to curl on my cherry tree?

Question: I’m interested to know about an infestation on our cherry trees. There are colonies of small insects living under the tree leaves which are curling in on themselves. These spots are of interest to ants for some reason. Is this a concern or a normal relationship between the tree, the little black insects and […]

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What is causing the white pines to turn brown in my neighborhood?

Question: I have noticed that many white pines in my neighborhood are turning brown. They are not near traffic (so not salt) and are very old white pines. What may be causing this? They are turning completely brown, not just dropping seasonal needles.  Answer: Viña Lindley, Food Systems & Home Horticulture Professional Thank you for […]

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How do you get rid of snails and slugs in the garden?

Question: We have been having a problem with snails for a few years now. In the garden, they are pretty much on everything and in the lawn as well. We also have slugs too. We are looking for a way to get rid of them. Answer: Lynne M. Holland, Horticulture and Social Media Professional Slugs […]

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How can I bring my Arborvitae back to good health?

Question: My Arborvitae has some brown branches on one side. What can I do to stop the spread and bring it back to health? It was transplanted last August and wrapped in burlap over the winter.  Answer: Liz Stanley, Horticulture Community Education Assistant It looks like an environmental problem rather than a pest or disease […]

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What is eating my green bean seedling? The leaves look like lace.

Question: My 4-inch green bean seedling leaves are being eaten. The leaves look like lace! I can’t find the culprit but the crop is being destroyed. Any ideas what this could be? Answer: Lynne M. Holland, Horticulture and Social Media Professional Without a photo it is really just a guess. You have to know what […]

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What is wrong with my Chestnut Crabapple tree?

Question: Our young Chestnut Crabapple has been hit by two things at once.  At the base, the trunk looks and feels rotted out when you scratch it a bit as if a fungus or borer has gotten in and is damaging it. And up in the foliage, I noticed one or two of the leaves […]

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What do you suggest to eliminate Peach Leaf Curl?

Question: I observed Peach Leaf Curl on Nectar, White Lady, Peregrin, and Indian Free peach trees. I have had this disease for the last several years. Last December, I sprayed these trees with a solution of Liqui-Cop at a rate of 6 tsp/gal of water. I needed to wait this late to get the 90% […]

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Is there anything I can do to treat Apple Cedar Rust?

Question: I believe that my tree has Apple Cedar Rust.  Is there anything I can do to treat it? Answer: Katherine Garland, Horticulturist You are correct in that it’s a type of Gymnosporangium rust, but it could be one of three distinctly different species of rust. Without a sample to look at more closely, I can’t […]

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What are the best blight resistant tomatoes for Maine climate?

Question: What are the best blight resistant tomatoes for our Maine climate? Answer: Pamela Hargest, Horticulture Professional I wouldn’t say there is one tomato that has the best blight resistance since there are several factors to consider, such as what’s available to you locally. If you plan on purchasing tomato seedlings locally, I’d recommend connecting […]

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