Soils and Composting

What concerns should I have about the wider ecosystem if I’m considering adding Mycorrhizae to the soil around my roses?

Question: What concerns should I have about the wider ecosystem if I’m considering adding Mycorrhizae to the soil around my roses? Answer: Jonathan Foster, Special Projects Assistant As you probably know, based on your question, mycorrhizae are soil-based fungal organisms that form symbiotic relationships with almost all terrestrial plant roots, exchanging their vastly greater surface area’s ability […]

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Has the rainy weather prevented my seeds from germinating?

Question: Since the constant rains stopped, I have tried to replant crops that were ruined with no success. I have planted lettuce, beans, and peas several times with no germination (visible, anyway). Now, I find a lot of my neighbors have had the same problem. My garden was never under water, but we did have […]

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Can coffee grounds be used to fertilize plants?

Question: Can coffee grounds be used to fertilize plants? Answer: Liz Stanley, Horticulture Community Education Assistant Thank you for your question about using coffee grounds as fertilizer. Yes, grounds contain some of the major plant nutrients and some important micronutrients, but in very small quantities. It’s probably best used as a soil conditioner in moderate […]

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How did dodder get in my flower garden?

Question: I’ve discovered dodder in the coreopsis in my flower garden. I am trying to stay ahead of a takeover by daily removal and sequester of cuttings. How did it get in my garden? Answer: Lynne Holland, Horticulture and Social Media Professional  Dodder is spread by a relatively heavy seed so it generally comes in […]

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Why did my cucumber plants not grow in a raised bed?

Question: I planted cucumber seeds in a raised bed 1 in early May and they did not come up. I was given some well established cucumber plants that I placed in the same raised bed and they nearly died within a week. I transplanted them to another raised bed and they are looking better… they […]

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Do I need to increase the copper and iron levels in my soil?

Question: Last year I had a soil test done through the University of Maine Cooperative Extension. The copper and iron levels were a bit low (copper=0.10/ iron-2.7). Do I need to increase these levels? How would I do that? I’ve read that the soil pH level affects uptake of these micronutrients. My soil pH is […]

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Does the University of Maine Cooperative Extension test soil?

Question: Does the University of Maine Cooperative Extension test soil?  Answer: Jonathan Foster, Special Project Assistant We do indeed perform soil testing, via the UMaine Analytical Laboratory. You can pick up a soil test kit from the any County Extension office or request one directly from the lab (information on their website). That standard soil test fee […]

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