Soils and Composting

How can I turn my backyard into a new vegetable garden?

Question: I am looking to turn an open area in my backyard into a new vegetable/cut flower garden. It is currently grass and blueberries that haven’t produced fruit in years and have been being mowed back a few time a year most years. I know I need to do a soil test (and am planning […]

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What is the best soil for growing Lavender?

Question: I am looking for a plot of land in Maine that is suitable for a lavender farm. Do you know where the best land/soil would be for that? And do you have any other tips on what to look for?  Answer: Jonathan Foster, Home Horticulture Outreach Professional Generally, our team works to advise home […]

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How should I remove moss from my raised beds?

Question: I had a quite a lot of moss growing in my raised beds. I’m sure the heavy rain didn’t help. I am going to get the soil tested. What is the best course of action for the moss—remove it or dig it under? Answer: Jonathan Foster, Home Horticulture Outreach Professional You’re absolutely right that […]

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What concerns should I have about the wider ecosystem if I’m considering adding Mycorrhizae to the soil around my roses?

Question: What concerns should I have about the wider ecosystem if I’m considering adding Mycorrhizae to the soil around my roses? Answer: Jonathan Foster, Special Projects Assistant As you probably know, based on your question, mycorrhizae are soil-based fungal organisms that form symbiotic relationships with almost all terrestrial plant roots, exchanging their vastly greater surface area’s ability […]

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Has the rainy weather prevented my seeds from germinating?

Question: Since the constant rains stopped, I have tried to replant crops that were ruined with no success. I have planted lettuce, beans, and peas several times with no germination (visible, anyway). Now, I find a lot of my neighbors have had the same problem. My garden was never under water, but we did have […]

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Can coffee grounds be used to fertilize plants?

Question: Can coffee grounds be used to fertilize plants? Answer: Liz Stanley, Horticulture Community Education Assistant Thank you for your question about using coffee grounds as fertilizer. Yes, grounds contain some of the major plant nutrients and some important micronutrients, but in very small quantities. It’s probably best used as a soil conditioner in moderate […]

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