Soils and Composting

Do you test soil for toxoplasmosis?

Question: Do you test soil or vegetables for toxoplasmosis? My cat has been using a part of the garden as a litter box so I’m a bit freaked out about eating the produce from it. I’m hoping that you can test for it? Answer: Jonathan Foster, Home Horticulture Outreach Professional Unfortunately, toxoplasmosis is not something […]

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How can I turn my backyard into a new vegetable garden?

Question: I am looking to turn an open area in my backyard into a new vegetable/cut flower garden. It is currently grass and blueberries that haven’t produced fruit in years and have been being mowed back a few time a year most years. I know I need to do a soil test (and am planning […]

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What is the best soil for growing Lavender?

Question: I am looking for a plot of land in Maine that is suitable for a lavender farm. Do you know where the best land/soil would be for that? And do you have any other tips on what to look for?  Answer: Jonathan Foster, Home Horticulture Outreach Professional Generally, our team works to advise home […]

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How should I remove moss from my raised beds?

Question: I had a quite a lot of moss growing in my raised beds. I’m sure the heavy rain didn’t help. I am going to get the soil tested. What is the best course of action for the moss—remove it or dig it under? Answer: Jonathan Foster, Home Horticulture Outreach Professional You’re absolutely right that […]

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