Soils and Composting

What is the best way to plant shadblow bushes in clay conditions?

Question: I recently purchased two shadblow bushes (Amelanchier canadensis). We have very heavy marine clay on our property. I often amend with lots of compost/rich soil, but recently I am hearing more and more about how too much compost can create conditions where the roots just stay in the soil-rich area. Approximately how much compost/rich […]

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Does soil matter to native plants?

Question:  Does soil matter to native plants? Answer: Jonathan Foster, Community Education Assistant As explained in our UMaine resource, Soil and Plant Nutrition: A Gardener’s Perspective, soil is a critical resource for all plant life, providing plants with anchorage, water, and critical minerals and nutrients, among other things. So, in that sense, soil is just as […]

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What type of soil should I layer on top of my asparagus bed?

Question: What type of soil should I layer on top of my asparagus bed? Answer: Jonathan Foster, Community Education Assistant Asparagus crowns should be planted in a pre-dug furrow and covered with light, sandy (and therefore well-draining) soil so that water doesn’t accumulate at the roots and shoots can easily penetrate the surface. If the […]

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How can I get raised beds ready for planting next year?

Question: I have just purchased a home and it already has four small raised beds in the front yard. I am new to home gardening, but I would love to get these ready for next planting/growing season. Is there anything special that I should be doing now in order to prepare for the spring (which […]

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Why are my raised beds and flower gardens not successful?

Question: Hello, I am looking for an expert to come to my house and tell me what is wrong with both my raised beds and flower gardens. I’ve been trying to have raised beds for six years and am at my whits end. I’ve built a hügelkultur, pulled it all out, added new soil, kept […]

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Why have the magnolia, pine and dogwood trees died on my property?

Question: I planted a butterfly magnolia tree a couple years ago.  Last year it had one flower at the beginning of the season.  This year it doesn’t have anything and I noticed it has three splits in its trunk. I put fertilizer around it this year but just a day ago. It seems nothing grows […]

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Are grape leaves safe to eat in soil that may have lead in it?

Question: I’m growing grapes in what I believe is leaded soil.  I haven’t yet tested, but nearby soil is leaded. I’m aware that the fruits are safe to eat if they are kept free of dirt, but I’m wondering if the leaves are safe to eat as well. Answer: Viña Lindley, Food Systems & Home […]

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When should I fertilize my crops?

Question: I am an avid backyard gardener and am familiar with the big three nutrients, Nitrogen, Potassium and Phosphorous, the differences between full, partial shade, etc. I also know the importance soil testing and proper pH. What I don’t know is when to fertilize? I generally buy Neptune’s Harvest and Espoma products as well as use […]

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What is the correct soil composition for a raised bed vegetables garden?

Question: I want to plant raised bed for vegetables. Is there a correct soil composition or soil test kit you would recommend? Answer: Abi Griffith, Horticulture Community Education Assistant Generally we recommend 75% loam (the mineral component of soil) and about 25% organic matter (finished compost) mixed together well. Depending on how much you need, […]

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