Maine Home Garden News

Close up of a collection of light pink flowers with a single bee.

Maine Home Garden News – September 2024

In This Issue: September Is the Month to . . . Help Protect Maine’s Trees: Join the Fight Against Invasive Species A Tale of Three Training Programs Full (Super!) Moon Lore Planting Trees Successfully in the Fall Backyard Bird of the Month: Sharp-shinned Hawk Mainely Dish: Homemade Salsa Maine Weather and Climate Overview (September 2024) […]

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What is causing my peaches to rot?

Question: What do you recommend to treat brown rot on peaches? All of our seven-year-old tree’s fruit has fallen to the ground, half rotten, or rotted when picked to ripen indoors. In late June, many green fruits had tiny extrusions that looked like airplane glue–clear–as well as early signs of rot. Could this have anything […]

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How can I eradicate Chameleon plant in my garden bed?

Question: I just identified Chameleon plant in my small garden bed. I noticed it a couple of years ago and tried to stay on top of it, but this last year, it has completely taken over and is choking out the perennials. I wondered if you had suggestions for eradication? I am wondering if it […]

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How can I salvage my tomato crop?

Question: I’m wondering if my tomato patch can be saved? I have been vigilant about pruning my plants from the bottom, and trimming what I thought was blight. But whatever this is, it keeps spreading. A few weeks ago it was a small branch or two, now it seems to be spreading by the hour […]

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What kind of animal or bird would remove wasp nests?

Question: We found wasp nests had been removed from under our porches and similar areas. The nests were empty of larva. We’re wondering what kind of animal would do this? Perhaps a bird that will do this?  Answer: Jonathan Foster, Home Horticulture Outreach Professional It’s always handy when nature takes care of wasps in inconvenient […]

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Should I plant a blackberry plant from Arkansas in my garden?

Question: I received a blackberry plant from Arkansas as a gift. Should I plant it in my garden? Answer: Jonathan Foster, Home Horticulture Outreach Professional What a lovely gift to have received. My answer is yes! With a few caveats: 1) It may depend on what variety/cultivar you have, especially given its Arkansas provenance. Blackberry […]

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How do I identify a pathogen effecting an established lilac?

Question: I am looking to identify the pathogen effecting half of an established lilac in a coastal town.  Answer: Jonathan Foster, Home Horticulture Outreach Professional None of the typical lilac ailments leap out as an obvious culprit. But the combination of necrotic leaf tips and margins, and the obvious chlorosis (the pronounced yellowing of the leaves […]

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What do you think is eating the leaves of my violets?

Question: This morning I found the leaves of native violets that I have planted to be eaten up almost completely! I’m trying to establish a native garden. What do you think is eating them? And do you have any suggestions for me to deter this so the violets can take hold? Answer: Jonathan Foster, Home […]

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