Maine Home Garden News

Why are my mature highbush blueberry plants not producing berries?

Question: I have mature highbush blueberry plants. This year there is FAR fewer berries than in the previous 26 years. I’ve also noticed that several berries (but not all) are dying before they ripen. This seems to happen when they are still white, before turning purple. Answer: Jonathan Foster, Home Horticulture Outreach Professional I’m sorry […]

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What can I do to get rid of voles in the garden?

Question: My vegetable garden is overwhelmed with voles. They are living in three of my four raised beds. I’ve tried Mole Max repellent to keep them out of the garden but they are still coming in. What can I do to get rid of them? Answer: Jonathan Foster, Home Horticulture Outreach Professional I’m very sorry […]

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Should I mow my pollinator garden?

Question: I’ve planted flowers and left my yard unmown for several years for a pollinator garden. Some of my neighbors think I should mow it this year. Should I? If yes, how short? Answer: Jonathan Foster, Home Horticulture Outreach Professional I’m assuming the issue is whether mowing is beneficial to the pollinator garden, and not […]

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Can you give me recommendations on how to control purple loosestrife?

Question: Can you give me recommendations on how to control purple loosestrife? Answer: Jonathan Foster, Home Horticulture Outreach Professional This is purple loosestrife (Lythrum salicaria), the pretty, but wildly aggressive colonizer of fields, wetlands and roadsides all across Maine. The bad news is that it’s extremely difficult to control–it seeds prolifically, forms dense and resilient […]

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What is the grayish white growth on my lilac trees?

Question: I have two 20-year-old lilac trees that have a gray-white fungus all over it’s bark, both old and new growth. It is silky to touch. I have taken out some dead branches and it seems as though some of the foliage is dying in places. Is this something I should be concerned about? Is […]

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Children holding freshly harvested onions. 

Maine Home Garden News – August 2024

In This Issue: August Is the Month to . . . What Can Devoted Gardeners Do When We Just Cannot Garden Anymore Like We Want To? Collecting Ash Seed in Maine Featured Tool: Say Hello to the Homi The Best Salts for Canning & Pickling Backyard Bird of the Month: Scarlet Tanager Maine Weather and […]

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What is a good method for getting rid of Canada thistle?

Question: I have wildflower gardens that wraps around my house. In one section, I am battling what I believe to be Canada thistle. Initially, I was cutting off the stems at the base and spraying the remains with 30% vinegar. However, because I have such a large patch of it I found that to be […]

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Why are the leaves turning brown on my Sunburst Locust tree?

Question: Some branches of leaves are turning brown on my Sunburst Locust tree. There are no webs so I’ve kind of ruled out the webworm. What could be causing the problem?  Answer: Jonathan Foster, Home Horticulture Outreach Professional There are a number of reasons why tree leaves can brown, both biotic (e.g., pests and pathogens) […]

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