May 2019 4-H Newsletter
4-H Happenings
A monthly newsletter for Hancock County 4-H Members
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Table of Contents
Upcoming Dates| County News | Club News | State News | Leaders Meeting Minutes | Cooking with Kids
Upcoming Dates to Remember
May 10 – 6:30 pm – Style Revue – Cave Hill School – Eastbrook. Please note change in location!
May 11 – 8:00 am – 12:30 pm – 4-H Dog Fun Day – UMaine Witter Farm Rd, Old Town
May 14 – 6:30 pm – Leaders’ Meeting – Extension Office
May 25 – 8 am – noon – Hancock County Cooperative Extension Open House & Plant Sale
May 27 – Memorial Day – Extension Office Closed
June 7-9 – 4-H June Jamboree at the Blue Hill Fairgrounds – REGISTRATION OPEN SOON!
June 11 – 6:30 pm – Leaders’ Meeting – Extension Office
June 30 – Animal Approval Forms are Due in the Extension Office
July 19 – Photos for 4-H County Photo Contest are Due in the Extension Office
County News
State 4-H Public Speaking Tournament
The 4-H State Public Speaking Tournament was held on April 6th at the University of Maine in Orono. This rewarding event was well attended and proved to be quite a learning opportunity for our youth. Youth receiving a qualifying score at their county event were invited to compete at the state level. Presentations took place simultaneously in four different rooms. While the judges completed scoring, youth were invited to participate in team building games led by 4-H alumna and committee member, Rebecca H. We concluded the afternoon with an awards ceremony to celebrate the accomplishments of our presenting youth.
Of the forty-six youth presenting from around the state, two were from Hancock County. Congratulations to Donnie & Mckenzie E. for their successful participation and representing Hancock County.
Leaders’ Meeting – the next Leaders’ Association meeting will be on May 14 at 6:30 pm. If you cannot attend in person – join the meeting by computer! Go to: or by phone 1-646-876-9923, then enter the meeting ID #207 667 8212.
Style Revue – The 2019 Style Revue will be held on Friday, May 10th at 6:30 pm, at the Cave Hill School in Eastbrook – please note the change in location. The theme this year is Carousel of Color. Dress rehearsal will be Thursday, May 9th, at4:00 pm. Come see our 4-Hers modeling their sewing projects!
Photo Contest –2019 Photo Contest details are now on our website. Deadline to submit photos is Friday, July 19th. If anyone needs the info mailed, please call Joyce at the 667-8212 or email at There are so many beautiful and unique scenes to take pictures of, so keep those cameras snapping so you will have some good photos to choose from!
Youth Summer Camps! UMaine and UMaine Cooperative Extension offer lots of summer camp opportunities throughout the state. Be sure to check the web for the 4-H camps including our newest Camp & Learning Center at Greenland Point! County scholarships are available, contact Joyce at the Extension Office or visit the “Current Members” section of our website for details at
Animal Approval Forms – If you plan to show an animal in any 4-H classes this year, including at the Blue Hill Fair, you must submit an Animal Approval Form by June 30, 2019. Small pets and Poultry are the only exception; all other animals (Horse, Beef, Sheep, Goat, Swine, etc) are required to have an animal approval form:
Paper Clover Campaign – Tractor Supply Co. and 4-H just completed another successful spring Paper Clover Campaign! There was just under $1 million raised nationwide, and almost $5,000 raised in Maine. Great job everyone! These funds are available for summer camp scholarships!
June Jamboree 2019 – Registration Open Soon! The 2019 June Jamboree will be held on June 7, 8, and 9th at the Blue Hill Fairgrounds. Start planning for a fun-filled weekend full of exciting workshops and activities! Workshops will include hands-on crafts, engineering, and animal science. The “Anytime Science” and “Anytime Craft” tables will be running between workshops all day on Saturday, June 8 – be sure to stop by to explore! Registration will be open soon and you will be notified via email.
Aquaculture Internship Program Summer 2019 – Hancock County 4-H and the Center for Cooperative Aquaculture Research (CCAR) will be hosting an Aquaculture Internship Program for youth entering grades 10-12 (ages 15-18) this Summer 2019. Interns will meet once per week for eight weeks at CCAR in Franklin, ME. The interns will be immersed in a positive youth development setting where they will “learn by doing” from aquaculture experts at CCAR and beyond. They will be expected to perform daily tasks to care for and raise Yellowtail Kingfish (Seriola lalandi) while also working as a team to manage a project which they will present at the 4-H Exhibit Hall at the Blue Hill Fair. They will learn about the role of sustainable aquaculture in the global food system, gain marketable skills relevant to the aquaculture industry, and practice project management skills with the help of adult mentors. At least one of the sessions will be a field trip (site to be determined) to another aquaculture facility in Maine. Space is limited to 10 youth for this program.
This program is made possible through funding from Maine EPSCoR/SEANET.
Spring Plant Sale – Saturday, May 25th, 8am – noon (rain or shine) at the University of Maine Cooperative Extension Office. Proceeds to support the Master Gardener Volunteer Program of Hancock County. Hundreds of your favorite perennials including Maine natives.
Scheduled Talks:
- 9:00 – Gardening for Biodiversity
- 10:00 – Bonsai Techniques
- 10:30 – How to Build Watering Spaces for Birds and Insects
Other Events:
- Ongoing fun and learning with Master Gardener Volunteers until 12:00 pm
- Children’s Activity – Earth Buddies
- Open House
- “Ask a Master Gardener” Table
- Seal Cover Farm Nannyberries™ Composted Goat Manure
The UMaine Cooperative Extension Tick Lab is now officially accepting tick samples for tick-borne disease testing. We have been receiving tick samples for species identification for the past five years and will continue to offer this service free of charge. Now, Maine residents can have ticks tested for the causative agents of Lyme disease, anaplasmosis, and babesiosis (the three most commonly reported tick-borne diseases in Maine) for a fee of only $15. This service is intended to provide surveillance information on ticks and tick-borne disease infection rates within Maine’s tick population.
Please visit the website for information on submitting a specimen to the Tick Lab, as well as information on the different tick species of Maine, tick management, and personal protection. Please note that the tick submission form must now be completed online.
Club News
Spruced Up Homesteaders – This month, during our publicly schooled club members break we held a “4-H play day”, to give everyone a full day of farm fun! The kids had the most nourishing day together: Our nature hike evolved into an impromptu fort build… these kids can team up for one heck of a build! We declared it the secret club spot at which we shall hold all decision making and treat eating, and began right away by running up to the farm house to get lunches and blankets! We also made mini grass greenhouses, that remind us we often can’t see the most important part of a plant… full view of roots! We blew out goose eggs, painted them, and ate many, many bowls of scrambled eggs. We used our hands and the land along with the sun
to create negatives on photosensitive paper! We also tended the poultry, the kids dug and filled an impromptu duck pond, we swung on swings and sang some songs!
On Easter we had a pot-luck egg hunt, and our club kids, siblings, and parents joined together in celebration of Easter, Passover and Spring! We all hunted eggs in a scavenger hunt, shared amazing food, and created a beautiful space together! This was a very special day that we would just love to see become a club tradition!
Free 2 Be – Our club has been busy! We’ve been continuing to practice public speaking. Lots of baby goats at Painted Pepper Farm to meet and bottle feed some. We made special t-shirts for our club over the school break thanks to Jen Chase and her special t-shirt stenciling equipment. Submitted by Jenny Lassen, 4-H leader
Rails N’ Trails – 4-H club did not have a normal meeting, instead we went to a horse show on April 21 at UMO. We also welcomed a potentially new member, Abigail. Submitted by club reporter Alyssa.
Jolly Juniors – Gardening Project – We loved planting the spider plant and taking it home. It’s fun to take care of my own plant. We like discovering the parts of the plant and flower. When we get baby spider plants we are going to give Mrs. Jordan one for her office and help her plant it. We made a planter out of an egg carton and planted seeds. Judy said we could leave the plants in the planter or put them in a flower garden. We love learning about plants! Cloverbud Reporters Ella, Addison, Alayna, and Olivia D.
Scavenger Hunt – Mrs. Jordan and Miss Jordan took us on a scavenger hunt. It was fun trying to find the different roads signs and the different things on our list. We liked taking the pictures when we found them. Sometimes it was hard and we didn’t find everything. It felt good donating munchkins to the fire department and sheriff’s office plus we got to buy food for the homeless shelter. We liked it when Katherine let us use her phone to take
pictures. Did everyone see us on Facebook? Cloverbud Reporters – Ella, Addison, Alayna, & Olivia D.
Sewing – We made pajama bottoms. We learned that you need to pin the material before you start using the sewing machine. In the beginning we practiced how to sew in a straight line on a piece of paper. We also learned to listen to our leaders because if we don’t we might do something wrong. We also learned how to put the elastic band through the top of the pajama pants and make it tight around the waist. Bryce and I both used fleece because it is the softest material. We would like to say thank you to the 4-H sewing helpers.Written by Cassidee C. & Bryce H.
State News
- Maine 4-H Days – Registration Opens May 10th
Maine 4-H Days will take place July 19 – 21 at the Windsor Fairgrounds. Get ready for a fun-filled weekend full of exciting Enrichment & Livestock activities! From Tie-Dye to Relay Races; Fairy Gardens to Composting; Meet an Alpaca or sign up for Poultry Camp – we’ll have something for everyone. Registration opens on May 10th.
If you are interested in volunteering in any capacity, please contact Jessy Brainerd at or 207.581.3877 - 4-H Dog Fun Day – May 11th
A day of fun and learning for all 4-H youth and leaders interested in a dog project. The fun dog day will be held on May 11th in the Chute Arena at the UMaine Witter Farm, 160 University Farm Road, Old Town, very close to the campus. The event will be held from 8:00 am. to approximately 12:30 pm.
Our guest this year will be Megan Arey, who is a 4-H Leader from New Hampshire. Megan works with the New Hampshire Dog Program. Megan will review with attendees and their dogs’ showmanship, obedience, and agility, as well as provide a demonstration on the “Sporting Breed” Megan raises and works with Labrador Retrievers.
Proof of current veterinary vaccination is required for all dogs attending, as well as a kennel, leads, water and treats. A mid-morning snack will be provided for participants. If you would like to attend, please contact Wendy at robertson@maine.eduor 942-7396 to RSVP. - 4-H Camp Opportunities for Children of Military Families
There are numerous wonderful programs being offered to children of military families through special grant programs. These Adventure Camps are sponsored by the Department of Defense to provide quality outdoor experiences for children of Service Members in the active, reserve, or guard components. Specific questions about eligibility should be made to the Tanglewood office at 207.789.5868 or
Programs are designed to build self-esteem, trust, teamwork, friendships, skill building, and appreciation of nature through outdoor adventures. Staff of UMaine 4-H Camp and Learning Centers and key outdoor education and adventure partners lead camps. Open sessions for ages 14 – 18 include: Ocean Adventure (6/25 – 6/28 and 6/30-7/5), Coastal STEM Challenge (6/23 – 6/28 and 6/30 – 7/5), and for ages 8 – 14, Make and Create STEM Challenge (7/28 – 8/2). Learn more about all sessions at:
Register for these programs.
Leaders Meeting Minutes
April 9, 2019 Meeting
Meeting was canceled due to illnesses and bad weather.
Cooking with Kids
Apple Salad
Makes 6 (1/2 cup) servings
1 cup apple diced
1 teaspoon lemon juice
½ cup celery, diced
½ cup carrot, grated
½ cup raisins
½ to ¾ cup vanilla yogurt
- Wash apples, celery, and carrots before dicing and grating.
- Toss apples with lemon juice.
- Add celery, carrot, and raisins.
- Fold yougurt into apple mixture.
- Cover. Chill for at least 1 hour before serving.
- Refrigerate leftovers.
University of Maine Cooperative Extension Eat Well