Spotted Wing Drosophila Alert: September 15, 2017

David Handley, Vegetable and Small Fruit Specialist; James Dill, Pest Management Specialist; Frank Drummond, Professor of Insect Ecology/Entomology
Trap captures for spotted wing drosophila increased in most locations this week, likely stimulated by some warmer weather from tropical fronts moving through Maine. Fly populations remain well over the tolerance level to prevent fruit infestation. (See table below.) Growers with any susceptible ripening fruit will need to continue protecting their crop against larval infestation. Regular, consistent spray coverage is needed to prevent fruit infestation. At this time, we continue to recommend a minimum spray interval of 5 to 7 days.
There is a possibility that any more tropical storm fronts moving into the region could further increase drosophila numbers. Harvest all ripe fruit regularly and remove any rotten or cull fruit from the field.

For more information on identifying spotted wing drosophila and updates on populations around the state, visit our SWD blog.
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David T. Handley
Vegetable and Small Fruit Specialist
Highmoor Farm, P.O. Box 179, 52 US Route 202, Monmouth, ME 04259, 207.933.2100
UMaine Extension Diagnostic Research Lab, Pest Management Unit, 17 Godfrey Drive, Orono, ME 04473, 1.800.287.0279
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The University of Maine is an equal opportunity/affirmative action institution.
Town | Spotted Wing Drosophila weekly trap catch 8/31/17 |
Spotted Wing Drosophila weekly trap catch 9/8/17 |
Spotted Wing Drosophila weekly trap catch 9/15/17 |
Wells | 1256 | 273 | 330 |
Limington | 428 | 568 | 734 |
Limerick | 237 | 326 | 1771 |
Cape Elizabeth | 2968 | 1308 | |
New Gloucester | 272 | 383 | |
Bowdoinham | 1448 | 449 | 792 |
Dresden | 103 | 666 | 1584 |
Freeport | 56 | 164 | |
Poland Spring | 597 | 807 | 1145 |
Mechanic Falls | 65 | 77 | 48 |
Monmouth | 681 | 434 | 470 |
Wales | 642 | 122 | 86 |
Farmington | 1552 | 1728 | 1848 |