Late Blight Alert
Late blight has been found in a potato field in Presque Isle, ME this week. This follows reports of this disease being found recently in Michigan and New Brunswick. We have had no reports of late blight on potatoes or tomatoes anywhere else in Maine at this time, but be aware that current weather conditions are very conducive to its development. Protective sprays on susceptible crops, especially potatoes and tomatoes are recommended at this time. University of Maine Extension Potato Specialist, Dr. Kutay Ozturk recommends using protectant fungicides on a regular schedule (e.g. 5-day, depending on material) to prevent infections at this time.
Check current recommendations for disease control in the latest New England Vegetable Management Guide.
Mark Hutton, Ph.D.
Vegetable Specialist
David T. Handley, Ph.D.
Vegetable & Small Fruit Specialist
University of Maine Cooperative Extension
Highmoor Farm, P.O. Box 179
Monmouth, ME 04259-0179
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