Spotted Wing Drosophila Alert and Berry Notes — September 20, 2024

David Handley, Vegetable and Small Fruit Specialist; James Dill, Pest Management Specialist, Phil Fanning, Assistant Professor of Agricultural Entomology, Christina Howard, Maine New Farmer Project Manager

Spotted Wing Drosophila:

Fly counts in our vinegar/yeast traps this week were mostly moderate, similar to last week’s counts, likely due to cool night temperatures, dry conditions and spray regimes (see table below). Counts were low enough in some locations to indicate that a longer spray interval (7-10 days) may be adequate to prevent infestation. However, we strongly recommend continuing regular protective sprays on all ripening berries and soft fruit crops to protect against SWD infestation. The presence of any larvae in ripening fruit should also initiate a regular spray program if you are not using traps to monitor the flies. This week fruit fly counts ranged from 1 to 1504 in our traps, indicating that ripening fruit in most locations still require regular protection to prevent infestation. A 5- to 10-day spray interval should minimize fruit infestation, depending on the level of pest pressure in a given field.

For more information on identifying spotted wing drosophila (SWD) and updates on populations around the state, visit our SWD blog.

pepper photo for landing page image link for resources by cropBerry Notes:

Maine Vegetable & Small Fruit Growers Twilight Meeting: Join the MVSFGA for a twilight meeting at Blackies Farm Fresh Produce, 966 Minot Ave in Auburn on Tuesday October 1. We will see the new packing, washing and storage facilities and get an update on new pesticide products and how best to manage applications under new regulations. Meet and greet starts at 5:30 p.m. and the program will start at 6 p.m. We expect two pesticide applicator recertification credits will be available for attending this meeting.

Other IPM Web Pages
Michigan State University Spotted Wing Drosophila
Penn State University Spotted Wing Drosophila Overview
University of New Hampshire SWD Weekly IPM Reports

Weekly Spotted Wing Drosophila (SWD) Trap Captures

Town SWD weekly trap catch 8/23/24 SWD weekly trap catch 8/29/24 SWD weekly trap catch 9/6/24 SWD weekly trap catch 9/13/24 SWD weekly trap catch 9/20/24
Wells 1264 595 2,160 988 1,504
Sanford 592 191
Limington 189 88 154 12 6
Bowdoinham 492 546 235 204 109
New Gloucester 544 164 722 153
Mechanic Falls 680 72 674 23 1
Monmouth 232 81 95 22 60


David T. Handley
Vegetable and Small Fruit Specialist

Highmoor Farm
P.O. Box 179
Monmouth, ME 04259

UMaine Extension Diagnostic Research Lab
Pest Management Unit
17 Godfrey Drive
Orono, ME 04473

Where brand names or company names are used it is for the reader’s information. No endorsement is implied nor is any discrimination intended against other products with similar ingredients. Always consult product labels for rates, application instructions and safety precautions. Users of these products assume all associated risks.

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