Flowering in the North!
Join us as we relaunch the Flowering in the North Conference Program with a gathering for growers! Come snack, sip, and socialize with fellow farmers before the season gets too busy. The informal program will include a brainstorming discussion about the educational needs and desires of the northern cut flower industry, and what a potential next conference might look like. During the social you have the opportunity to connect with fellow cut flower grower, and the new chair of the FITN program with UMaine Cooperative Extension, Ankit Singh. We would love to hear your ideas for the future of Flowering in the North.
The Hive at Dandelion Spring Farm
961 Ridge Rd, Bowdoinham, ME 04008
A full schedule can be found on the Flowering in the North flyer (in PDF). To register, visit the Flowering in the North page.