Fruit Tree Pruning and Grafting Classes

Renovating Old Apple Trees Workshop

Black Acres Farm, 132 Black Road, Wilton, ME 04294
March 15, 2025
10:00 a.m. — 12:00 p.m.
$0-$15 sliding scale

Do you have an apple tree you’ve always wondered how to prune?

Come join Nick Rowley, University of Maine Cooperative Extension sustainable agriculture professional, Bella Russo Extension AgrAbility Coordinator and Senator Russel Black for an in-depth demonstration of pruning and care of apple trees.

Registration for this workshop is required and is based on a sliding scale fee of $0-$15. Registration is limited to 20 participants. Perfect for homeowners and small hobby orchards looking to bring back neglected trees but is open to all. Bring your questions, appropriate clothing, and footwear.

Questions about the program or accessibility please reach out to Nick Rowley 207.778.4650,

Register Online

Apple Bench Grafting Workshop

Franklin County Extension Office
138 Pleasant Street, Suite #1, Farmington, Maine 04938
March 28, 2025
5:00 p.m. — 7:00 p.m.

Join Nick Rowley and Renae Moran from the University of Maine Cooperative Extension for a hands-on demonstration of bench grafting. Bench grafting is a propagation technique used to join dormant scion and rootstock. Participants will use grafting tools to graft young trees they can take home.

Registration for this workshop is $50 and is required to cover the cost of material. Registration is limited to 12 participants. This workshop is perfect for homeowners and small hobby orchards but is open to all. Due to the use of sharp knives youth participants must have a parent or guardian present. All participants must sign an assumption of risk waiver prior to the start of class.

For more information or to request a reasonable accommodation, contact Nick Rowley, 207.778.4650, or

Register Online

Pruning Mature Apple Trees

30 Hope Street, Rockland, ME
March 29, 2025
1:00 p.m.

The University of Maine Cooperative Extension in Knox and Lincoln Counties will host a spring workshop instructing home gardeners and commercial producers on how to prune mature apple trees successfully. UMaine Extension Tree Fruit Specialist, Dr. Renae Moran will describe apple tree anatomy and demonstrate pruning techniques that preserve tree health and encourage fruitfulness in the years ahead. Participants will be trained on safety considerations when pruning home or commercial orchards, and will have the opportunity to put what is learned into practice. Participants should bring gloves and be dressed for cold weather conditions, including snow/water-resistant footwear.

Registration can be found on the Pruning Mature Apple Trees webpage.

For more information or to request a reasonable accommodation, contact Pamela Doherty at, 207-832-0343.

Pruning Fruit Trees in the Home Orchard

Goronson Farm, 1 Henrikson Rd, Scarborough, ME 04074
April 5, 2025 (Snow date is April 6)
11:00 a.m.

Renae Moran, University of Maine Cooperative Extension’s Tree Fruit Specialist, will explain and demonstrate the different pruning techniques for apple, peach, plum and pear trees. Learn about the different growth habits of fruit trees and how to distinguish flower buds from leaf buds as well as the different types of branches such as spurs and watersprouts. She will also discuss the different problems of each species and how pruning can correct them. Any other questions on growing fruit trees are also welcome.

To register, contact Ankit Singh by email or by phone 207.324.2814

Pruning Demonstration and Class on Apple Trees

University of Maine at Fort Kent’s greenhouse on Armory Road
April 9, 2025 (Snow date if April 11)
1:00 p.m.

Tour three home-scale orchards and discuss their annual maintenance and pruning with Renae Moran, apple specialist at Maine Cooperative Extension. Meet at the greenhouse at UMFK on Armory Road at 1:00 PM, parking in the new lot on Pleasant Street with the flag poles. Expect uneven terrain and some snow remaining. If you have special requests, please, call us one week in advance.

Please, RSVP Renae at or call 207.713.7083. There is no charge for this class.