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Cooperative Extension at Highmoor Farm

Event Series Business Planning for Producers

Business Planning for Producers

Online ME, United States

This multi-session course is designed to help you evaluate potential land or sea-based businesses and understand the core concepts of business planning including: market research, marketing, funding, financial record keeping and sustainability. Successful completion of the Level 2 course awards students a micro-badge certificate through the University of Maine and qualifies students for USDA Farm […]

Cornell Fruit Winter Webinar Schedule

Online ME, United States

Please save the date for six upcoming bi-weekly lunch hour webinars happening on Fridays this January through March. Webinars hosted by CCE ENYCHP, NYSIPM, CCE Harvest NY, and CCE LOFP. Week 1: Digging in to Pruning and Soil Health Speakers: Mario Miranda Sazo (CCE LOFP) and Dr. Debbie Aller (Cornell CALS) Friday January 17, 2025 […]

Event Series Business Planning for Producers

Business Planning for Producers

Online ME, United States

This multi-session course is designed to help you evaluate potential land or sea-based businesses and understand the core concepts of business planning including: market research, marketing, funding, financial record keeping and sustainability. Successful completion of the Level 2 course awards students a micro-badge certificate through the University of Maine and qualifies students for USDA Farm […]

Event Series Business Planning for Producers

Business Planning for Producers

Online ME, United States

This multi-session course is designed to help you evaluate potential land or sea-based businesses and understand the core concepts of business planning including: market research, marketing, funding, financial record keeping and sustainability. Successful completion of the Level 2 course awards students a micro-badge certificate through the University of Maine and qualifies students for USDA Farm […]

Cornell Fruit Winter Webinar Schedule

Online ME, United States

Please save the date for six upcoming bi-weekly lunch hour webinars happening on Fridays this January through March. Webinars hosted by CCE ENYCHP, NYSIPM, CCE Harvest NY, and CCE LOFP. Week 1: Digging in to Pruning and Soil Health Speakers: Mario Miranda Sazo (CCE LOFP) and Dr. Debbie Aller (Cornell CALS) Friday January 17, 2025 […]

Event Series Business Planning for Producers

Business Planning for Producers

Online ME, United States

This multi-session course is designed to help you evaluate potential land or sea-based businesses and understand the core concepts of business planning including: market research, marketing, funding, financial record keeping and sustainability. Successful completion of the Level 2 course awards students a micro-badge certificate through the University of Maine and qualifies students for USDA Farm […]

Northeast Extension Fruit Consortium Webinar Series

Online ME, United States

This webinar series will be held throughout the winter at noon on each of the following dates and is organized by extension fruit specialists in New England and eastern New York. Topics include marketing, weed management, apple scab, bitter rot, and new research on cold hardiness in apple rootstocks and peach varieties. Some of the […]

Cornell Fruit Winter Webinar Schedule

Online ME, United States

Please save the date for six upcoming bi-weekly lunch hour webinars happening on Fridays this January through March. Webinars hosted by CCE ENYCHP, NYSIPM, CCE Harvest NY, and CCE LOFP. Week 1: Digging in to Pruning and Soil Health Speakers: Mario Miranda Sazo (CCE LOFP) and Dr. Debbie Aller (Cornell CALS) Friday January 17, 2025 […]

Northeast Extension Fruit Consortium Webinar Series

Online ME, United States

This webinar series will be held throughout the winter at noon on each of the following dates and is organized by extension fruit specialists in New England and eastern New York. Topics include marketing, weed management, apple scab, bitter rot, and new research on cold hardiness in apple rootstocks and peach varieties. Some of the […]

Northeast Extension Fruit Consortium Webinar Series

Online ME, United States

This webinar series will be held throughout the winter at noon on each of the following dates and is organized by extension fruit specialists in New England and eastern New York. Topics include marketing, weed management, apple scab, bitter rot, and new research on cold hardiness in apple rootstocks and peach varieties. Some of the […]
