Northeast Extension Fruit Consortium Webinar Series
This webinar series will be held throughout the winter at noon on each of the following dates and is organized by extension fruit specialists in New England and eastern New York. Topics include marketing, weed management, apple scab, bitter rot, and new research on cold hardiness in apple rootstocks and peach varieties. Some of the sessions will offer pesticide applicator recertification credits. For more information, visit the website Northeast Extension Fruit Consortium.
Sessions will be held (see specific dates below) from noon to 1:30 p.m. Pesticide credit(s) will be available for indicated sessions. Pre-registration is required. Please be advised, those seeking pesticide recertification credits must log in to the session individually so that we can show proof of attendance to the certifying agencies. Include your license number when registering. When logging in, be sure your screen name matches the name on your license.
To register, click on the presentation titles below. If you have any questions, contact Renae Moran anytime at
Preregistration is required to attend these webinars.
February 12, 2025: 10 Common Marketing Mistakes
Brian Moyer, Penn State Extension
No recertification credits offered.
February 19, 2025: Basic Orchard Weed ID and Management
Dr. Maria Gannett, UMass Extension Fruit and Vegetable Weed Specialist
Pesticide credits pending.
February 26, 2025: Why Did My Scab Program Fail in 2024?
Dr. Anna Wallis, Senior Extension Associate, NYS Integrated Pest Management
Dr. Kerik Cox, Associate Professor, School of Integrative Plant Science, Plant Pathology and Plant-Microbe Biology Section, Cornell AgriTech
Pesticide credits pending.
March 5, 2025: Bitter Rot
Dr. Srdjan Acimovic Assistant Professor, Tree Fruit and Specialty Crop Pathologist at Virginia Tech University
This presentation will cover the biology and environmental conditions that favor bitter rot on apples; the cultural, fungicidal, and other management options to reduce losses; and new areas of research to understand and minimize this important apple disease.
March 12, 2025: Understanding Cold Hardiness Risks in Fruit Crops, and Update on Cold Hardiness in the New Peach Variety Trial
Dr. Jason Londo, Associate Professor, School of Integrative Plant Science, Horticulture Section, Cornell AgriTech
Dr. Renae Moran, University of Maine
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