Photo Gallery: Ants

Additional Photos and Information:

  • Allegheny Mound Ants (Formica exsectoides) — Beneficial to humans in some situations.
  • Carpenter Ants (genus Camponotus) — Always check firewood for these ants before bringing it indoors.
  • Citranella Ants — Ants in the genus Lasius are collectively referred to as Citranella Ants or sometimes Lemon Ants:
    • Black Garden Ants (Lasius niger) — found in fields, gardens, playgrounds, etc.
    • Cornfield Ants (Lasius neoniger) — Rarely nest in homes but they are very common and abundant outdoors.
    • Larger Yellow Ants (Lasius interjectus) (University of Minnesota Extension) and Smaller Yellow Ants (Lasius claviger) ( — Easily confused with Pavement ants and Cornfield ants, either one of these yellow ant species may be commonly encountered by Maine homeowners in the Fall, when they swarm. They like to colonize in the soil adjacent to a home’s foundation, so are often encountered in basements, especially along cracks or holes in the foundation or floor where moisture and/or rotten wood is also present. See also: Citronella Ants (Penn State)
  • Pavement Ants (Tetramorium immigrans) — very common indoors and outdoors.
  • European Red Ants (includes photos) (Myrmica rubra) (invasive) The European Red Ant is also frequently called the European Fire Ant because it has a stinger; It is an invasive insect in Maine, increasing in its geographical range (particularly in coastal communities) and in its encounters with homeowners. However, these ants are only distantly related to the ‘true’ fire ants found in the southern U.S. and Latin America. Additional Resources:
  • Field Ants (Formica spp) (University of Wisconsin)
  • See also: Ants (University of Minnesota Extension) and Flying Ants (Colorado State University Extension)