National EDRR Framework Webinar

Please join the Department of the Interior for a webinar on June 27, 2024 from 3:00-4:00 pm Eastern on implementing a National Early Detection and Rapid Response Framework (EDRR Framework) for invasive species. This event will feature a brief overview of recent and upcoming EDRR Framework activities followed by a panel discussion and audience question and answer. The panel will include several experts leading EDRR Framework projects and partners who are collaborating on implementation. The webinar’s purpose is to provide an opportunity to learn about EDRR Framework progress, future plans, and resources to support EDRR actions and to answer questions on planning and implementation.
The National EDRR Framework includes a coordinated suite of processes, tools, and services to support on-the-ground EDRR actions across the country. This includes enhancing the use of environmental DNA to support early detection surveillance, establishing a Rapid Response Fund for eliminating newly detected aquatic invasive species, and building an online national EDRR information system, Siren, to inform EDRR actions, among many other projects. These and other tools and services are beginning to be applied on-the-ground in collaboration with federal, state, tribal, territorial, and other organizations.
Registration is not required. Add the event to your calendars and join at the link below on June 27, 2024 from 3:00-4:00 pm Eastern. A recording will be available after the event.
Join ZoomGov Meeting:
Meeting ID: 161 280 1671 / Passcode: 715977