April 2020

Send articles to cynthia.rogers@maine.edu

Be sure to scroll down to see State 4-H Office Core Newsletter, too!

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All 4-H In-person Club Meetings and Events Canceled Until Further Notice

Given the rapidly evolving COVID-19 situation in Maine, UMaine Extension is canceling all 4-H club meetings and in-person events until further notice (no matter what size group).

Coronavirus | Airborne Disease Surveillance Epidemiology Program | MeCDC

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention–Coronavirus Summary

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention–Coronavirus Fact Sheet

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention–What the Public Should Do

U.S. Department of State–China Travel Advisory

All county offices are closed until at least May 17, but most staff are working our regular hours from home. We will continue to keep you updated as we learn more information. Please contact the county office via email if you have specific questions. You can leave a voice mail message on the main office phone, but it may not be heard for a few days.

Upcoming Events and Important Dates

April 1-May 1  NEW DATES KLLA Camp/Program Scholarship applications due

April 9  KLLA Meeting via ZOOM ONLY 6pm

May 1  4-H Working Steer Animal Approval forms due

May 1  ESE Dairy Animal Approval forms due

May 1  Fryeburg Market Lamb Intent to Sell forms due

May 14  KLLA Meeting 6pm, via ZOOM ONLY 6pm

May 31  4-H Farm-to-Fair Youth Helper applications due

May 31-June 1  4-H@UMaine: Connecting Kids to Campus, University of Maine, Orono

April Birthdays

Happy Birthday to Lucas W., Brianna K., Ariel C., Maddison L., Hayden C., Jeremy D., and Anthony B.!

Please Participate in the 4-H Volunteer Impact Survey

On March 31st, 4-H volunteers should have received an email concerning a volunteer impact study. Please take the time to complete the survey if you haven’t already. Your input is valuable! Please email Cindy Rogers if you did not receive the survey and would like to participate.

State 4-H Public Speaking Tournament

The State 4-H Public Speaking Tournament will be held virtually on Saturday, April 25. Participants have been notified and will be scheduled for virtual presentations with judges and a small audience. The Awards Ceremony will be live-streamed at 3pm, we encourage you all to attend! Follow our website and Facebook page for updates and to receive the link when it becomes available.

sign at Tanglewood 4-H camp

Consider 4-H Camps and Learning Centers This Summer!

University of Maine Cooperative Extension 4-H Camps and Learning Centers are for everyone! Bryant Pond, Greenland Point, Tanglewood, and Blueberry Cove all offer traditional summer camps, off-site adventure trips, year-round school programs, custom programs, and programs for adults focused on a blend of outdoor skills, arts and sciences, and leadership development. To encourage more 4-H members to participate, KLLA and the 4-H Foundation offer scholarships to make it easy to attend! Read the next three articles for details.

Knox-Lincoln Scholarships for Camps and Programs

KLLA is offering scholarships to Knox-Lincoln 4-H members to be used to attend educational camps and programs in the coming year, including, but not exclusive to: 4-H National Trips (CWF, 4-H National Congress and National Conference), summer camps (including Tanglewood, Blueberry Cove, Bryant Pond, and Greenland Point 4-H Camps), science camps, animal camps, exchange programs, and school programs. Preference will be given to applicants attending 4-H-sponsored programs and camps. The amount of the scholarships will be determined by the funds available and the number of qualified applicants.

NEW Applications are now on a rolling deadline of April 1-May 1. If the program in which you plan to participate requires payment before mid-May, indicate that in your application and we will consider your request earlier.

4-H Foundation Camp Scholarships Available

The Maine 4-H Foundation has camp scholarships ranging from $100-$200 available for 4-H members to any one week of 4-H camp. Try one of our University of Maine 4-H Camp and Learning Centers at Blueberry Cove, Bryant Pond, Greenland Point and Tanglewood. Call the camps to ask for a scholarship. Scholarships are based on need and first-come, first-serve.

4-H Farm-to-Fair Youth Helper Program Now Open to 4-H Alumni!

The Knox-Lincoln 4-H Leaders’ Association is seeking two young people, plus one alternate, to assist 4-H staff at the 4-H Farm-to-Fair interactive exhibit at Union Fair (August 22-29, 2020). The program is open to 4-H members or 4-H alumni pursuing post-secondary education age 13-22. Scholarship funds will be awarded to the assistants based on the number of hours contributed. These funds may be used by currently enrolled youth to attend Citizenship Washington Focus, 4-H National Congress, 4-H National Conference, Leadership Development Programs at Tanglewood, Blueberry Cove, Greenland Point or Bryant Pond 4-H Camps, or another Extension staff-approved leadership program. For 4-H alumni, scholarship funds may be used for tuition or book/materials expenses incurred at a post-secondary educational program.

The Youth Helper position carries more commitment and responsibility than simply volunteering to help. Those chosen for this position will assist staff and adult volunteers in overseeing the operation of the exhibit. This includes (but not limited to) getting the exhibit ready to open or close for the day (depending on shift), making sure barns are stocked with “products” while the exhibit is open, supporting volunteers and filling in when they need a break. Successful candidates will be comfortable speaking to the public, answering questions, and assisting staff in training and leading volunteers.

Each person chosen must commit to one shift (4 ½ hours) each day that they are scheduled to help during Union Fair. The number of shifts and days required will be worked out with members and families as helpers are chosen, but at least 6 shifts are expected during the run of the fair. Successful candidates must be 13-22 years of age A mature 12-year-old may be considered if they are recommended by a 4-H leader or 4-H staff member. Applications due May 31, 2020.

Contact Kathryn or Cindy at Kathryn.a.jensen@maine.edu, cynthia.rogers@maine.edu for more information.

Online Club Meetings

At this time, we are all adjusting to our new realities. Club leaders may be wondering HOW to connect with folks in their clubs during this time. The platform- Zoom is a very popular option for many people. It can be used over and over again and allows free usage for meetings less than an hour. Leaders can sign up for the free version here: https://zoom.us/ and send out links to their members who will not need to “sign up” if they do not want to. You can watch a short video tutorial on how to use Zoom (if you never have before).

Facebook Messenger also allows you to create groups and do video calls with many users, and this is also free. The first 6 participants will show up on video but group up to 50 can have access to all the audio capabilities. Users need to have a Facebook Messenger account to access this. Also, the video feature works best on the Google Chrome browser.

4-H at Home

While many of us are at home to help stop the spread of the Coronavirus, it may be easy to let boredom creep in. 4-Hers (and parents) don’t despair! There are many ways to keep your hands and minds busy. Here are some resources to help engage youth in educational experiences at home.

  • Learn at Home: Educational Resources to Use During School Closures – Keep your youth engaged in educational experiences through this collection of helpful resources for parents and caregivers. These resources are for youth of all ages and have a large variety of topics.
  • Maine 4-H Friday – Each Friday, watch for a new hands-on activity that you can try out with simple materials you have at home. Watch a short video clip to see how it’s done or download the 4-H Learn from Home activity sheets. You can check out these videos on the University of Maine Cooperative Extension’s Facebook page or by searching for #Maine4-HFriday.
  • QuaranTeen Virtual Science Cafes – Come join Vermont 4-H and Maine 4-H for their virtual science cafés! Youth grades 7 to 12 are invited to join in discussions with scientists to learn about their work and to participate in informal discussions. These virtual cafes will be offered on Tuesdays (in Maine) and Wednesdays (in Vermont) 3 – 3:45 pm. They are FREE, however, registration is required.
  • “Mainely Dish” Mondays – This is a video series created by EFNEP that features a video recipe every Monday.

Tractor Supply Paper Clover Campaign Postponed

Due to the current COVID-19 situation, the 2020 Spring 4-H Paper Clover campaign with Tractor Supply Company (originally scheduled to take place 4/29-5/10) will be postponed to a later date. Tractor Supply will continue with the Fall Paper Clover campaign as planned for 10/7-10/18.

State 4-H Office Core Newsletter

 “Seclusion Showdown” Online Horse Show

Horse shows may be postponed and canceled across the country, but don’t let that stop you from competing! Join our sponsor, @SLTcom for their first-ever “Seclusion Showdown” Online Horse Show. No entry fees, real judges, exciting prizes! Session #2 April 2-8; Session #3 April 9-15.

#EmpoweringMEandYou – Stress Less Online Workshop for Teens

04/16/20, 6:00 – 7:00PM The National 4-H Healthy Living Summit Team from Maine will be presenting their Stress Less lesson plan developed at the 2019 Summit and presented at the 2020 Summit. Any youth ages 13-18 are welcome and encouraged to attend. 4-H participation is not required! This hour-long lesson was designed by and for teens to educate others on the effects of stress and how they can combat and cope with stress in their daily lives, and the lives of others. Youth will start by identifying what the effects of stress are, and then have the opportunity to practice a variety of coping strategies that can help to reduce these effects on the body. Youth will also learn and practice how to reframe their own negative self-talk and redirect that of others as it relates to stress. If you are interested in attending this workshop please RSVP here by Monday, April 13, 2020 to receive a reminder email and the Zoom link. For questions or information on offering this to your county or club, please email or call Sara Conant, sara.conant@maine.edu, 207.781.6099.

National 4-H Dairy Conference

The 66th National 4-H Dairy Conference will be held September 27 to September 30, 2020, in Madison, Wisconsin. It will be held in conjunction with World Dairy Expo and attendees will have the chance to visit Expo as part of the conference agenda. Additionally, the conference will offer opportunities to learn more about careers in agriculture, seminars on dairy topics, and a wealth of chances to interact with dairy 4-H members from across the country.

The Maine 4H Animal Science Dairy Committee would love to try and send/support a team of motivated kids who are involved with the Dairy Goat, or Dairy Cattle Project Areas for this very unique and meaningful opportunity. The National 4H Dairy Conference requires that 4-H team members: Have spent at least 3 years in those project areas, and be at least 15 years old but not yet older than 18 (4-H age).

We are also looking for potential VOLT Chaperones who might like to help organize and facilitate this trip. If we have an idea of how many kids are interested we can plan our fundraising efforts accordingly.  Interested parties can contact Tara marble at tara.marble@maine.edu, or 207.778.4650 at the Franklin County Office.

Save the Date for 2020 Maine 4-H Days

Maine 4-H Days will take place July 16-19, 2020 at the Windsor Fairgrounds. If you are interested in helping to plan next year’s event, please contact Jessy Brainerd at jessica.brainerd@maine.edu or 207.581.3877.

Maine 4-H Days Planning Committee: July will be here before you know it, and we are looking for a few good volunteers to join the fantastic current Maine 4-H Days Planning Committee. Joining this committee gives you the chance to help come up with ideas and plans for one of our biggest statewide events! If you are interested in joining the Maine 4-H Days Planning Committee, or have general questions/comments/recommendations about the event, please email jessica.brainerd@maine.edu, or call 207.581.3877.