Knox-Lincoln 4-H Newsletter—January 2021

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Upcoming Events and Important Dates

January 14 KLLA Meeting, 6pm, via Zoom

January 26 Public Speaking Workshop “Online Presentations,” 6-7pm, register online

January 31 Oxton Trust Applications due

February 9 Public Speaking Workshop “Career & College Readiness,” 6-7pm, register online

February 11 KLLA Meeting, 6pm, via Zoom

February 16 Public Speaking Workshop “Intro to Public Speaking for Cloverbuds,” 10-11am, register online

February 23 Public Speaking Workshop “All About Judging & Scoring,” 6-7pm, register online

moon over the officeJanuary Birthdays

Happy Birthday to Bradley M., Adam E., Sophia M., and Nathaniel D.!

Enrollment Forms Overdue!

If you have not already, please return your 4-H member or volunteer re-enrollment forms to this office ASAP. Re-enrollment packets were mailed directly to families this year. All enrollment, health and photo release forms were due at the Extension office by December 15. Please remember to ADD POSTAGE to the envelope provided. To drop off your paperwork in person, please call the office first (207.832.0343) so a contact-free exchange can be made.

Oxton Trust Applications Due January 31 for All of 2021

Through the generosity and foresight of Robert Oxton, the Oxton Trust Fund was established to support 4-H youth development programs and activities in Knox and Lincoln Counties. The funds are available annually, with applications for funds due by January 31.

If a club, volunteer or member discovers a need for funds at a later date in 2021, a special meeting of the committee can be called and an application considered at any time. Funds available for mid-year requests, however, will be more limited.

Grants may be awarded for 4-H youth development programs and projects falling into one of the following areas: leadership, youth development and special programs. Applications can be submitted by 4-H staff, volunteers or members enrolled in the Knox and Lincoln Counties 4-H program. Download the application form or request a printed copy from the Extension office.

Save the Dates for the 2021 4-H Public Speaking Tournament!

The 2021 4-H Public Speaking Tournament will take place virtually over the weekend of April 16-18, 2021. In the absence of local club and county tournaments this year, there will be ample support for youth preceding the tournament in the form of workshops and focused practice opportunities. These workshops are open to all youth who wish to practice their public speaking skills and those who wish to qualify for the state tournament.

If you are interested in participating in the Maine 4-H Public Speaking Program and need assistance in any way, please contact us to discuss your needs. We are committed to making 4-H programs accessible to all youth, regardless of internet or technology access.

Regularly updated information can be found on the Maine 4-H Public Speaking website. Stay tuned for more announcements!

Save the dates for the 4-H Public Speaking Workshops:

January 26, 6:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. | Online Presentations
February 9, 6:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. | Career & College Readiness
February 16, 10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m | Introduction to 4-H Public Speaking for Cloverbuds
February 23, 6:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. | All About Judging & Scoring
– Practice Sessions by appointment in February and March

*Youth are expected to attend two workshops and one practice session to qualify for the State Public Speaking Tournament.

Questions about the Maine 4-H Public Speaking Program? Contact Sheila Norman, 207.942.7396 or

Maine 4-H Foundation Scholarships

Graduating seniors and those who have delayed college for a year can apply for a 4-H post-secondary scholarship from the Maine 4-H Foundation. Applications are due on March 1, 2021 to the local county office. For more information go to:

4-H Passport Around the World SPIN Club

graphic depicting international flags and peopleJoin Maine 4-H and Greenheart Exchange as we travel around the world virtually and meet other teens from across the globe! Meetings will include a brief presentation from a Greenheart Exchange Student, an activity, and Q&A. This SPIN Club is best for ages 12-18 and open to all youth. A minimal supply list will be provided for each activity. Dates are Tuesdays, January 19th, February 2nd & 16th, 4:00-5:00pm and Saturdays, January 30th, February, 13th & 27th, 9:30-10:30am. Register here.

Important Information for 4-H Market Steer Project Members

Any youth who have submitted an Intent to Sell a Market Steer at the Fryeburg Fair need to follow the updated guidelines:

Email a photo and the following information to (if you don’t have access to email, you can print the photo and put the required information on the back—regular paper is fine—mail to: State 4-H Office, 491 College Ave, Orono, ME  04473). Show any distinct marks (i.e. white feet, white spots on head/body). Include a picture of the RFID tag in the animal’s ear.

  1. Your name on the page
  2. The USDA approved RFID ear tag # (it starts with the first three digits of “840”) and it is 15 digits long. Confirm that you have written down the number correctly! No changes will be made.
  3. The name of your steer.
  4. The birth date (month/year or exact date if known)
  5. Beginning weight—use a weight tape if necessary (either the date you first tape it or the weight you purchased/obtained your steer)—we can figure the ADG (Average Daily Gain) at the final weigh-in.
  6. The breed of your steer
  7. Who you purchased/obtained your steer from and the price paid. If Bred and Owned, please state this.
  8. Address where is the steer being housed—a complete address
  9. Any other farm tags or tattoo that your animal has

NEW THIS YEAR—Your approval form will be handled at the county level. Your steer should be entered on your regular animal approval form. In the column titled “Show Class” enter Fryeburg Sale. If you do not complete this correctly the animal will not be eligible for Fryeburg’s Sale as there are other sales throughout the state.

Livestock GPS

Do you have an animal, an acre of pasture, and an interest in GPS? Learn real world uses for GPS in modern livestock operations. Youth age 14-18 will learn:

  • How GPS works
  • History of GPS livestock tracking
  • Current GPS uses in livestock research
  • Developing your own GPS Research Project with your livestock
  • How to download and analyze data
  • How to present your GPS research results—Best presentation receives a Custom Silver Buckle.

Want to know more? Contact either Debra Kantor or 207.474.9622, or Colt Knight or 207.581.2593.

4-H for All Club

Come and discover your spark! Maine 4-H is a place to learn new skills, meet new friends, and uncover the possibilities available to you. This opportunity is open to all Maine youth ages 5-19 and their families. New dates have been added!

Purpose: To provide new and potential members and their families a place to learn about 4-H, and to connect youth across the state.

How: Meetings will be held on January 20th, February 20th, March 17th, and April 21st from 6-7 pm via zoom; registration for each date will be closed at 12:00 pm, the day before the meeting. The club will be led by various 4-H staff and guests. Register here!

What’s in it for me? You will be connected to youth across the state. You will be able to choose a project to complete. You will learn about 4-H and learn how to become more involved.

Why: We would love to have you join and engage in our 4-H program. There is no cost in participating. Monthly meetings will help challenge you to create new goals and discover new passions.