KL 4-H Newsletter–November 2023
Send articles to cynthia.rogers@maine.edu
Upcoming Events and Important Dates
December 12 KLLA Meeting, 6pm, Extension office, Waldoboro, and Zoom
December 15 4-H Re-enrollments due (see article about ZSuite below)
January 10-April 9 Volunteer Connections Virtual Workshops (see article below)
January 30 Oxton Trust applications due
November Birthday
Happy Birthday to Mariyah L.!
Looking Forward: Project Records 2024
Most Knox-Lincoln 4-H members have now completed and submitted the new version of the Maine 4-H Project Record. How did it go? If you have any feedback on the new records, please email cynthia.rogers@maine.edu with your thoughts.
Judges and staff were impressed with the thought and care that members put into their records, we only wish that some members had submitted more! While only the basic record is required (and that is perfectly fine), including at least some of the additional optional pieces gives judges and staff a much better picture of your work and learning. It also lets you reflect on your own learning and accomplishments and helps you set goals for future years.
To encourage members to submit more optional pieces with their records, the Knox-Lincoln 4-H Leaders’ Association would like to announce that for 4-H Year 2024 (which we are in now), extra effort beyond the basic record will be recognized with higher award amounts. In other words, the more components that you complete well, the higher the value of your award can be.
Judges have also expressed that they missed seeing photos of your work. Even though it is not mentioned in the current records (except for Cloverbuds) and not required, it is fine if you want to send a page of photos along with your records, as long as they pertain to your project or 4-H year. We do enjoy seeing these! Project record forms can be found on the 4-H Project Records page. Be sure to scroll down to the Optional Records and Project Records Tools as well.
2023 4-H Year-End Celebration
4-H members, volunteers, staff, and family members gathered at Blueberry Cove 4-H Camp on November 4 for the 2023 Knox-Lincoln 4-H Year-End Celebration. It was wonderful to see everyone in person on a beautiful fall day to celebrate the accomplishments of Knox-Lincoln 4-H members for the past year!
Presentations were given by Jolly Farmers members Kyra B. about her experience at Bryant Pond 4-H Camp, Sabrinnah D. about her participation in Citizenship Washington Focus, and Anthony D. about his experience at 4-H National Conference.
Upon their announcement of retirement from 4-H leader service, we honored Vonnie Drown Miller and Maurice Miller. Both Vonnie and Maurice have held officer positions in the Knox-Lincoln Leaders’ Association, and have spent many hours judging project records, public speaking tournaments, exhibition hall projects, and helping with large events. For the past two years, the 4-H Farm-to-Fair exhibit and its Youth Helper program have flourished under Vonnie’s leadership, always with Maurice helping in the wings. Maurice served many years as a member and officer for the Knox-Lincoln Cooperative Extension Association, the advisory board for all Knox-Lincoln Extension programs. Combined, the two of them have served our program for a total of 70 years. We presented a certificate to commemorate that time and to thank both for their service.
Three Cloverbuds graduated to regular member status at the event: Adriana B., Jeremiah S., and Luke L. One member who has aged out of the 4-H program was recognized for the achievement of completing eleven years as an active 4-H member: Jeremy D.
Special awards included Leadership: Anthony D., Team Player: Kyra B. (Honorable Mention Shelby C.), Citizenship: Sabrinnah D., Community Service: Jolly Farmers & Jolly Juniors 4-H Clubs. The 4-H Character Award went to Anthony D. and Adam E. The Katherine Watier Green award recognizing a member’s commitment to sound environmental practices went to Jeremy D. for his work with beekeeping.
We received thirteen Project Records and three Cloverbud Activity Records this year. Each project submitted earned members a year pin, project pin, and a $30.00 gift card to Tractor Supply Co. Stores. Thank you to our judges, Linda Bonin and Joelle Albury. Congratulations, everyone!
1 Year
Lilly B.—Jolly Juniors—Cloverbud
Isabella L.—Jolly Farmers—Poultry
Luke L.—Jolly Juniors—Cloverbud
2 Years
Aiden B.—Jolly Juniors—Cloverbud
Libby G.—Horse Feathers—Horse
4 Years
Hayden C.—Aldermere Achievers—Beef
Natalie C.—Aldermere Achievers—Beef
Carson D.—Independent—Visual Arts
6 Years
Kyra B.—Jolly Farmers—Outdoor Education & Recreation
9 Years
Isabelle B.—Aldermere Achievers—Beef
Sabrinnah D.—Jolly Farmers—Goat
Paytyn D.—Independent—Visual Arts
Adam E.—Aldermere Achievers—Beef
Adam E.—Aldermere Achievers—Sheep
11 Years
Anthony D.—Jolly Farmers—Rabbit
Jeremy D.—Jolly Farmers—Mechanical Science
Photography Contest Winners
23 photographs were entered into the 2023 KL 4-H Photography Contest. The entries with the top six scores in each age group (listed below) will have their turn as cover pic on the KL 4-H Facebook page in 2024! Those twelve photos will also be printed and hung in the 4-H Gallery in the lobby of the Knox-Lincoln Extension office! Thank you to our judges: Tori Jackson, Extension Program Administrator of Agriculture and Natural Resources and owner of Tori Lee Jackson Photography, and Nita Hayward Frederick, 4-H Community Education Assistant in Waldo County and former graphic designer and photographer. Congratulations to all!
- Ameraucana by Anna P.
- Under the Dome by Sabbrinnah D.
- Sitting Pretty by Sabrinnah D.
- Baby d’Uccle by Anna P.
- Blue by Anna P.
- Summer by Anna P.
- Blue Moon by Izzy B.
- Never Forgotten by Sabrinnah D.
- Echinacea Aura by Kyra B.
- Poseidon’s Treasure by Kyra B.
- Feel the Tropics by Anthony D.
- Winging It by Anthony D.
Intermediate Division:
Izzy B., age 13—Blue Moon
Sabrinnah D., age 14—Never Forgotten
—Sitting Pretty
—Under the Dome
Kyra B., age 13—Poseidon’s Treasure
—Echinacea Aura
Senior Division:
Anthony D., age 16—Feel the Tropics
—Winging It
Anna P., age 16—Ameraucana
—Baby d’Uccle
Re-enrollment Time—Families Can Do This Online!
ZSuite is the 4-H enrollment option available for families for the new 4-H Year. Current families can log into their ZSuite account and complete their re-enrollment, as well as all required forms, online. If you enrolled yourself last fall for the 2022-2023 year, you can simply visit: https://4h.zsuite.org/ and use the password you set at that time. If you DID NOT use ZSuite to enroll in 2022-23, visit: 4h.zsuite.org/, click “Forgot Password?” and complete the prompts using the email address where you receive your 4-H communications.
Once you are in ZSuite, reenrollment is just a few clicks away:
• Login at https://4h.zsuite.org
• Click on the PRIMARY profile and enter your 4-character PIN.
• Click on the name of the youth member you wish to enroll.
• Review/update the requested member information. When you are done with that, click NEXT
• Here you will read and electronically sign the 4-H participation waiver(s), click NEXT
• Here is where you will select your club or clubs and desired projects. There may be clubs and projects listed that carried over from your enrollment during the last program year.
• To add clubs, select your county. This defaults to the county submitted when you created your account. You may need to select another county to find your desired club.
• Select your Club from the drop-down menu. Select ADD CLUB.
• To add projects for any of the clubs, select ADD PROJECT for the desired clubs. Select the desired project from the drop-down menu. Select ADD PROJECT and selection will be added to the club. Feel free to add additional clubs or projects. If you make a mistake or wish to remove a project, select the X and confirm you wish to delete the project.
• When done making your selections, click Submit.
Enrollment records need to be active/green status before engaging in 4-H activities and to register for events. ZSuite has a help menu that offers step-by-step instructions in the system, as well as live chat for questions. You are also welcome to reach out to your county staff. Re-enrollments are due December 15.
4-H Volunteer Workshops for the 2023-2024 4-H Year
We invite you to participate in our 4-H Volunteer Connections virtual workshops! Join other 4-H volunteers from the Northeast region to learn, share and engage with one another on a variety of topics related to 4-H. All workshops are free and offered via Zoom in the evenings from 6:30-8:00 pm.
Topics include:
January 10 – Creating LGBTQ+ Inclusive Programs
February 13 – Be a Positive Communicator
March 12 – Finding Space for Mental Wellness in Every Program
April 9 – Animal Science: Strong Relationships and Sportsmanship
Register for 4-H Volunteer Connections virtual workshops! Come to one or come to all! We look forward to connecting with YOU!
Oxton Trust Applications Due January 30 for All of 2024
Through the generosity and foresight of Robert Oxton, the Oxton Trust Fund was established to support 4-H youth development programs and activities in Knox and Lincoln Counties. The funds are available annually. Clubs, volunteers, and members should anticipate what funds they expect to request for the entire 2024 calendar year and apply for funds to the Oxton Trust Committee by January 30, 2024.
If a club, volunteer, or member discovers a need for funds later in 2024, a special meeting of the committee can be called, and an application considered at any time. Funds available for mid-year requests, however, will be more limited.
Grants may be awarded for 4-H youth development programs and projects falling into one of the following areas: leadership, youth development and special programs. Applications can be submitted by 4-H staff, volunteers or members enrolled in the Knox and Lincoln Counties 4-H program. The Oxton Trust application form is available online or can be requested by contacting the Knox-Lincoln Extension office.
In complying with the letter and spirit of applicable laws and pursuing its own goals of diversity, the University of Maine System does not discriminate on the grounds of race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, transgender status, gender, gender identity or expression, ethnicity, national origin, citizenship status, familial status, ancestry, age, disability physical or mental, genetic information, or veterans or military status in employment, education, and all other programs and activities. The University provides reasonable accommodations to qualified individuals with disabilities upon request. The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding non-discrimination policies: Director of Equal Opportunity, 5713 Chadbourne Hall, Room 412, University of Maine, Orono, ME 04469-5713, 207.581.1226, TTY 711 (Maine Relay System).