Knox-Lincoln 4-H Newsletter–August 2022
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Upcoming Events and Important Dates
September 13 KLLA Meeting, 6pm, Extension office, Waldoboro, and Zoom
September 30 Entries due for the 2022 Knox-Lincoln 4-H Photography Contest
September 30 4-H Project Records and Cloverbud Activity Records due at the Extension office
July Birthdays
Happy Birthday to Adriana B., Shelby C., and Ava S.!
Union Fair 2022…Thanks for Everything!
We did it! Another successful Union Fair has run its course. Thank you to all the members, parents, and volunteers who did everything that they could to make Union Fair 2022 memorable and to show the best face of 4-H! We had so much wonderful help this year! The public often comments on how professionally 4-H members present themselves, and how knowledgeable you are about your projects. You have all done us proud!
4-H Farm-to-Fair was up and running after a two-year hiatus. Extra thanks to Vonnie Drown and Maurice Miller for leading that program, and to our three Youth Helpers, Arianna Cloutier, Anthony Dube and Sabrinnah Dube. Great work!
Entries into the Exhibition Yurt increased to about 140 projects…impressive! All of our usual shows went smoothly: the Horse, Rabbit, Small Domestic Pet and Working Steer shows, as well as the Cloverbud Demonstration show. We even had two former 4-H members judge shows this year! Great job, Nathan Dube and Skye Havey! And of course, many Knox-Lincoln 4-H members participated in the Youth Beef, Sheep and Livestock Showmanship events at Union Fair. It sounds like the Youth Auction was a success as well!
Between the gift basket raffle and donations made at the yurt and at 4-H Farm-to-Fair, $781.70 was raised for 4-H during the fair! Thanks to the clubs, members and volunteers who contributed to the fabulous raffle offerings, and to those who sold tickets and generally represented 4-H in a positive way!
Enter the 2022 Knox-Lincoln 4-H Photo Contest
It is time to submit photos for the Knox-Lincoln 4-H Photography Contest 2022! The top photos per age category will be exhibited in the 4-H Gallery at the Knox-Lincoln Extension office for one year, with each having a turn as cover pic on the Knox-Lincoln 4-H Facebook page!
This contest is open to any Knox-Lincoln 4-H member age 9 and up. Entries will be accepted now through September 30, 2022. Members can enter up to four photos taken between October 1, 2021, and September 30, 2022. Contact Cindy Rogers at 207.832.0343 or if you have questions.
Project and Activity Records Due September 30
4-H members are encouraged to complete a project record for projects in which they have participated during the 2021/2022 4-H year. It is important to reflect on your experiences and set goals for the upcoming year. In order to be considered for recognition at the Knox-Lincoln 4-H Achievement Celebration, 4-H members need to complete a project record form and submit it for judging by September 30.
Please note, you do not need to be finished with your project to complete a project record. We understand that many 4-H projects are ongoing and do not end at the same time as the 4-H year. If you are filing a project record for an ongoing or unfinished project, simply enter the information for your project up to the current date.
NEW this year: The Comparison Matrix has been eliminated from all project record forms. Also, you will now only find three levels of records to choose from: Cloverbud Activity Records, Intermediate and Advanced Project Records. You may contact this office if you need help determining which record you should complete.
Judged records will be returned and awards announced at the 4-H Achievement Awards Celebration, date to be determined. The Project Record form and Cloverbud Activity Record form and instructions can be found at Contact your club leader or this office if you have questions or need help!
Looking for 4-H Alumni & Members Attending UMaine!
If you are a current or former 4-H member planning to attend UMaine this fall, know of a 4-H member currently attending UMaine, or know of a recent 4-H alumni attending UMaine, read this! Collegiate 4-H is an opportunity for 4-H alumni and college students interested in supporting the mission of 4-H to be involved in 4-H after high school. We are currently exploring starting a Collegiate 4-H Club at UMaine with an anticipated start date for the 2022 fall semester. Simply fill out this short 4-H Alumni Survey form to let us know if you think you might be interested!
Save the Date for the 4-H Unconference
UMaine 4-H Unconference will be an organized forum for 4-H volunteers, club leaders, afterschool providers, teachers, parents and teen leaders to gather. UMaine 4-H Unconference is intentionally designed to have YOU teach and learn from each other. There is no agenda; you come with 4-H ideas and topics you want to talk about or learn more about, and we’ll guide the process to get folks into groups where YOU are the experts. Save the dates: October 22 and November 11. Come to one or both. Watch the website for more information as it becomes available.
Maine 4-H Survey Request
From: Andrew Hudacs, the new member of the Maine 4-H team, whose work supports 4-H teen leadership and career exploration statewide: If you are 11 years old or older, please help me learn more about your interests in 4-H activities by completing the following SHORT Maine 4-H survey (about 30 questions/7 minutes). The survey results will be used to improve statewide 4-H program planning. If you are a parent of a 4-H child receiving this message, please have each child 11+ years old complete one survey.
If you have any questions, I can be contacted at, (207) 581-8204, 24 Main Street Lisbon Falls, ME 04252. Thank you in advance for your support!
EFNEP Recipe of the Month: Flavored Water
By Debbie Barnett, EFNEP CEA in Kennebec, Knox, Lincoln, and Waldo counties—
After the long cold winters here in Maine, the summer sun is a welcome sight and feeling. Many of us are out enjoying the beaches, lakes, mountains, and sports camps. With the hot weather comes the need to stay hydrated, and drinking plenty of fluids is important all year long, but so much more so in the heat. General guidelines state that it is important to drink eight glasses of water a day, as this will keep the average person doing average activity adequately hydrated throughout the day. Remember, if it is hot or if you are staying active, you may need to drink more water throughout the day. Here is a great Flavored Water recipe that is very refreshing and enjoyable on hot summer days.
For more delicious recipes, check out our UMaine EFNEP Mainely Dish Video Series. Expanded Food & Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP) offers FREE nutrition education classes to income-eligible adults with children, or young adults 19-25 years old, and if you are eligible for programs such as SNAP, WIC, or Head Start.