Knox-Lincoln 4-H Newsletter—June 2021
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Upcoming Events and Important Dates
June 14-August 20 4-H Summer Learning Series, registration open now!
June 30 Deadline Extended for member and volunteer re-enrollment to participate in Maine Fairs!
June 30 4-H Animal Approval and Lease forms due (some commodity exceptions; refer to – Find tips on filling out these forms in an article below.
July 1 Apply for Maine Association of Livestock Exhibitors (MALE) membership/insurance—Be sure to apply for the 2021-2022 membership year
July 30 Union Fair 4-H Livestock Show (Rabbit, Small Domestic Pet, Working Steer) and Horse Clinic entry forms due at the Extension office
July 30 Union Fair 4-H Individual Exhibition Yurt entry forms due at the Extension office
June Birthdays
Happy Birthday to Zoe B. and Elizabeth E.!
Attention 4-H Club Leaders
There have been recent updates made to the Covid-19 Protocols checklist for 4-H meetings. Please refer to the updated guidelines for the latest information as you plan 4-H club meetings and programs. Contact this office if you have questions.
Congratulations to High School Grads!
4-H of Knox and Lincoln Counties would like to congratulate four 4-H members who have graduated from High School in 2021: Chloe B., Arianna C., Paige G., and Amariah G.! We wish you all the best in your future endeavors!
Congratulations to the Oxton Trust Scholarship Winner!
The Maine 4-H Foundation has announced the Maine 4-H Scholarships for 2021. Congratulations to all of the recipients!
An independent 4-H member was awarded the Oxton Trust Scholarship, given annually to 4-H members from Knox or Lincoln County by the KL 4-H Leaders’ Association. Congratulations to Arianna C.! Arianna plans to study Biology and Pre-Med at Husson University this fall. Best of luck to you, Arianna!
Welcome to a New 4-H Leader
Knox-Lincoln 4-H gained a new adult 4-H Volunteer recently. Melissa Backus was a youth member in Knox-Lincoln 4-H herself! She was also a leader in Penobscot County before moving to back to this area. She brings a wealth of knowledge and love of horses to her new role as leader of a new horse club, name to be determined. Welcome, Melissa!
4-H at Union Fair 2021
The Union Fair is going forward with plans to hold the event August 21-28, 2021. 4-H plans to participate! There will be some adjustments for this year but get your projects ready to enter and plan to participate in livestock shows!
The Union Fair is still working on their schedule and premium book. Check the Union Fair website for updates which should appear over the course of this month. The 4-H Union Fair Information Booklet is available on the Extension website, and has been emailed to all enrolled volunteers and members.
- If you were a member in 2020, but have not yet enrolled in 4-H for 2021, be aware that for this year only, the deadline to do so and participate at Union Fair has been extended to June 30. Contact this office for enrollment packets.
- Animal Approval Forms for most commodities are due June 30.
- By July 1 Apply for Maine Association of Livestock Exhibitors (MALE) membership/insurance—Be sure to apply for the 2021-2022 membership year.
- Entry forms for 4-H Livestock Shows and the 4-H Exhibition Yurt are due July 30 and are found in the 4-H Union Fair Information Booklet.
Tips for Filling Out the 4-H Animal Approval Form
Any 4-H youth age 9-18 who plans to participate in 4-H livestock shows* in 2021 must complete and submit an Approval Form for 4-H Animal Shows. If a member is leasing an animal to show, a Maine 4-H Contract for Rental/Lease of All Animals is also required. Animal Approval forms are NOT required for showing rabbits, poultry or small domestic pets (except dogs, which DO require the Animal Approval form). Both of these forms are due June 30 for MOST commodities. Please refer to the 4-H Animal Science Resources for information specific to your commodity.
*NEW for 2021‑Animal Approval Forms will NOT be required to participate in the Horse Clinic on August 25. See separate article for details.
When filling out your Animal Approval Form, please keep the following in mind:
- When downloading, be sure to select “shrink to fit page” so that information is not cut off the edges.
- Print form 2-sided.
- Your club leader (or advisor for independent member) must sign on the line immediately after last entry in the list of animals. Be sure to leave time for this before the due date.
- 2-sided, signed ORIGINAL forms must be received at your county Extension office no later than the due date. 4-H staff will keep original for office records and return an official, embossed photocopy to you. This embossed copy is what you will need to have with you each time you participate in a 4-H livestock show.
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact your club leader or 4-H staff.
Maine Association of Livestock Exhibitors Membership Requirement
Anyone showing livestock at Maine fairs who cannot show proof of a farm insurance policy (with the exhibitor’s name on the certificate) with a coverage level the same as or better than that offered by MALE is required to prove current membership in MALE. Apply online for an individual or a family, making sure that you are applying for the for 2019-2020 season. If you require a printed application, contact MALE and make sure you are given the 2019-2020 application. Apply by July 1 so you will receive your membership card in time for Union Fair. Be aware that the cost of this membership has increased to $25 for an individual, $50 for a family.
NEW Union Fair Horse Clinic
In 2021 there will be a 4-H Horse Clinic (rather than a show) on August 25 at 9:00am. This is a showmanship-focused learning opportunity enabling members to build skills in 4-H showmanship. If time permits, practice in equitation, pattern, and trail will be included. Space in this clinic is limited: a minimum of 5, maximum of 10 participants, so register early!
The Horse Clinic is open to all 4-H members, 4-H ages 9-18, in the State of Maine who are enrolled in a 4-H Horse Project. There will be no premiums awarded for the Clinic. See the 4-H Union Fair Information Booklet for all rules, vaccination requirements, and the registration form. Animal Approval Forms are NOT required to participate in this clinic. However, you will want to get those forms in by June 30 if you plan to enter other 4-H shows and events.
4-H Farm-to-Fair
It is with much thought and consideration that we announce that 4-H Farm-to-Fair will not be operating in 2021. This exhibit involves a lot of close in-person contact with public and handling of materials. It also requires significant volunteer recruitment outside of our membership, which seems like more than staff and volunteers can take on at this time. We look forward to opening the exhibit again in 2022.
Enter the 2021 Knox-Lincoln 4-H Photo Contest
Round up those photos for the Knox-Lincoln 4-H Photography Contest 2021! The top photos per age category will be exhibited in the 4-H Gallery at the Knox-Lincoln Extension office.
This contest is open to any Knox-Lincoln 4-H member age 9 and up. Entries will be accepted through September 30, 2021. Members can enter up to four photos taken between October 1, 2020 and September 30, 2021. Entry information will be coming soon. In the meantime, keep snapping those great photos! Contact Cindy Rogers at 207.832.0343 or if you have questions.
State 4-H Office Core Newsletter
4-H Summer Learning Series – Register now!
Maine 4-H will offer its hands-on virtual Summer Learning Series June 14-Aug. 20 with over 50 workshops open to all youth ages 5-18.
The 4-H Summer Learning Series includes learning tracks in arts and crafts, food and nutrition, STEM, marine science and aquaculture, animal science and agriculture, and teen leadership. The series opens with a magic show featuring 4-H alumnus and family-friendly entertainer Conrad Cologne!
In addition, this year’s 4-H@UMaine experience for teens will now be offered as one of the learning tracks. These online workshops will highlight University of Maine programs and opportunities and will be provided by UMaine faculty, staff, and students.
The series is free; registration is required. Early bird registration for enrolled 4-H’ers opens May 27 for part one and July 1 for part two. Offline projects that can be completed at home are also available. Register and find more information on the 4-H Summer Learning Series webpage For more information or to request a reasonable accommodation, contact Jessy Brainerd, 207.581.3877;
Get Ready for the 2021 Virtual Exhibit Hall!
Start planning now to showcase your 4-H projects in the 2021 Virtual Exhibit Hall. There will be a couple of new categories to feature a broader view of your work! For now, you can check out the judging criteria, tips on photographing your projects, and the 2020 Virtual Exhibit Hall on the UMaine Extension website Be on the lookout very soon for email announcements and updates to the website.
Save the Dates for 4-H Horse Events!
Maine State 4-H Horse Clinic for Advanced riders (12+). Friday July 23 from 2pm-5pm Skowhegan Fairgrounds. $30.00 per rider. Limited to 20 riders.
Maine State 4-H Fun Show! Saturday July 24 starting at 9am. Registration will open at 8am. Lead line classes, Alumni classes, showmanship, equitation and games! Fun for all 4-H horse members ages 5 and up. We will also have horseless activities and demonstrations too.
Families can choose to camp at Skowhegan Fairgrounds for a $25.00 per night fee. There will be stalls available. If your horse is staying on the grounds you must stay on the grounds. Animal Approval forms and appropriate vaccinations of horses will be required.
Registration for Maine State 4-H Horse Clinic and Show is online.
We are still looking for class ideas and volunteers for the event. Please contact or
UMaine Offers Summer Camps and Academic Programs!
The Early College Program allows students to take college courses while they are still in high school. Students can take these courses either tuition-free or at a reduced early college rate. If you are a high school student interested in taking some college courses this summer, visit the Early College website
For a listing of Youth summer camps affiliated with the University of Maine, visit the Youth Summer Camps website.
Maine 4-H Virtual Teen Science Café Survey
We are looking for feedback from youth in grades 7-12 as we plan the Fall season of Maine 4-H Virtual Teen Science Cafés! If you know a youth who has previously participated or who might like to participate, please send them our survey.
July ESE 4-H Event
If you are considering participating in the July ESE 4-H event please go to the Big E 4-H webpage for information. We encourage everyone to check this site frequently for updated packets and we will do our best to pass along updates as we find out about them. It appears that most commodities are using the same online registration system that they have used in the past. Please work with your local county staff for staff signatures as needed.