November 2019

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Be sure to scroll down to see State 4-H Office Core Newsletter, too!

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Upcoming Events and Important Dates

November 15 Leaders: File Your Club’s e-postcard with the IRS before this date

November 19 KLLA Meeting, 6pm, KL Extension office

November 29-Dec. 3 National 4-H Congress, Atlanta, GA

December 1 NEW Applications for National Summit Scholarships due (see State News for details)

December 16 Re-enrollment paperwork due at KL Extension

December 18 KLLA Meeting, 6pm, KL Extension office

November Birthdays

Happy Birthday to Acacia H., Alice T., Jaxon D., and Paige G.!

2019 4-H Achievement Celebration

Thanks to all who attended the 2019 Knox-Lincoln 4-H Achievement Celebration on November 3. Special thanks to those who helped with preparations. A potluck appetizer buffet provided lots of excellent snacks!

Presentations were given by Nathan D. about his experiences at Citizenship Washington Focus, the Aldermere Achievers 4-H Club about their upcoming trip to the North American International Livestock Exposition in Louisville, KY, and 4-H Professional Kathryn Jensen about ongoing, school-based 4-H gardening programs in Knox County.

We received one Cloverbud Record and seventeen Project Records this year. Thank you to our judges, Valerie Jackson, Linda Bonin and Kathleen Gross.

Outstanding Project Records:
Julia B.
Intermediate Savannah D.
Advanced Elizabeth E.

Special Awards:
Team Player Award: Adam E.
Citizenship Award: Nathan D.
Community Service Award: Savannah D.
Leadership Award: Julia B. & Britney J.
Catherine Watier Green Award: Isabelle B.
Blue Ribbon Club Award earned by the Jolly Farmers and Aldermere Achievers 4-H Clubs

The Pearl Clover Award was presented to Linda Bonin for her 15 years of service as a 4-H volunteer in Maine and New York. The Emerald Clover Award was given to Rita Glaude to honor her 25 years of service to 4-H in Knox and Lincoln Counties. In addition to judging in various capacities, holding officer positions in KLLA, and generally stepping up when needed, both of these women have been instrumental in the development of the County and State 4-H Public Speaking programs. Thank you for your service!

Photography Contest Winners

24 photographs were entered into the 2019 KL 4-H Photography Contest! The judges, Carla Skinder and Liz Stanley were impressed with the work of our talented 4-H members! The following members will have their photos displayed for the coming year in the 2020 4-H Photo Gallery at the KL Extension office. Come see them! You will also see these photos in rotation as cover of the KL 4-H Facebook page starting in January. Congratulations to all!

Junior Division:
Isabelle B., age 9 Hens & Chicks, Blueberry Vase
Sabrinnah D., age 10 Flower

Intermediate Division:
Jeremy D., age 14 Revenge
Anthony D., age 12 Dad’s Firebird Wheel, Dragonfly
Anna P., age 12 Lichen at Evening

Senior Division:
Nathan D., age 16 Maine Collage, Edsel for Sale
Katie W., age 15 Fairytale
Elizabeth E., age 16 Sage & Cloe
Arianna C., age 15 Baby Sister

File Your Club’s E-postcard by November 15

If you are a 4-H Club Leader, please remember to file your annual e-Postcard (form 990N) with the IRS by November 15. The process has been streamlined in recent years and should result in fewer error messages. Even if you have had trouble filing the e-Postcard in the past, please file with this new, easier system. You can use the instructions on the Extension website or download IRS Publication 5248 (PDF) to file. The filing period is July 1-Nov. 15. Please remember to print your confirmation and send a copy to this office. Thanks!

Enrollment Forms Due December 16

All enrollment, health and photo release forms are due at the Extension office by December 16. Check with your club leader if you have not received your re-enrollment packet yet. If you need help completing your forms or need another copy of the packet, contact your leader or Pamela Doherty at this office.

Oxton Trust Applications Due January 30 for All of 2020

Through the generosity and foresight of Robert Oxton, the Oxton Trust Fund was established to support 4-H youth development programs and activities in Knox and Lincoln Counties. The funds are available annually. In an effort to streamline the grant process and better track funds awarded, the Oxton Trust Committee has voted to change from a bi-annual application schedule to a once-a-year application process. This means that clubs, volunteers and members must anticipate what funds they expect to request for the entire 2020 calendar year, and submit an application for funds to the Oxton Trust Committee by January 30, 2020.

Since this is the time of year that clubs are creating their club plan for the year, it seems like a logical time to have these applications due. If, however, a club, volunteer or member discovers a need for funds at a later date in 2020, a special meeting of the committee can be called and an application considered at any time. Funds available for mid-year requests, however, will be more limited.

Grants may be awarded for 4-H youth development programs and projects falling into one of the following areas: leadership, youth development and special programs. Applications can be submitted by 4-H staff, volunteers or members enrolled in the Knox and Lincoln Counties 4-H program. The application form is available online and at the Extension office in Waldoboro.

Animal Science Resources Available

In order to provide more support for youth enrolled in animal science projects, UMaine 4-H has provided each county office a set of resources from Ohio State University that leaders and members may borrow for use in their 4-H programs. The Knox-Lincoln office now has a single copy of five different 4-H animal science resource publications on the following projects: Beef, Dog, Goat (combined meat and dairy), Horse, and Sheep. These resources are widely used in 4-H programs and are highly recommended for youth and volunteers. Come in to the office during our normal business hours to take a look at these publications

State 4-H Office Core Newsletter

4-H Statewide Teen Dance Seeks Planning Committee Members

There is a small group of 4-H members who would like to plan a statewide formal dance for teen 4-H members across the state. We are looking for teen volunteers who would like to be a part of the planning committee for this Winter event. FMI please contact Maddie Gray

Scholarships for National Youth Agri-Science and Healthy Living Summits!

There are currently eight scholarships available through funding from the Maine 4-H Foundation, to send youth to the National 4-H Conference Center, just outside Washington, D.C., for the Agri-Science and Healthy Living Summits in early 2020. Attendees will learn more about their area of interest by attending career panels, interactive workshops, and visiting related agencies throughout D.C. The Summits were created to empower youth to be well-informed citizens, expand engineering and agriculture experience, and increase connections to living a healthy lifestyle, all while being actively engaged in their communities.

Agri-Science: January, 9-12, 2020

Healthy Living: February 13-16, 2020

Eligibility: Youth ages 14-18. Enrolled in 4-H by December 31, 2019.

Participant Cost: $150.00 (Maine 4-H Foundation funding will cover the remainder of registration & flight cost – approximately $800).

Application: This is a combined application for both the Agri-Science and Healthy Living Summits.

More information about National Youth Summits

If any youth would like to attend, but do not receive the scholarship funding, they may self-fund and attend. Counties are also welcome to provide full or partial-scholarships to youth as well. Email or call Sara,, 207-781-6099, for more details on these options, or with any questions. Applications and recommendations are due by December 1, 2019.

Join Us for “Dining In” Day – National Family & Consumer Sciences Day

December 3, 2019 is National Family & Consumer Sciences (FCS) Day. The Maine Affiliate of the National Extension Association of Family & Consumer Sciences and UMaine EFNEP are planning to participate and we would like 4-H to join the promotion too. What is it? A specific opportunity to promote family and consumer sciences programs, tools, and professionals that support family mealtime. We ask families to make and eat a healthy dinner together during the week of December 3rd. Research has shown that the whole family benefits from family mealtime by having better nutrition, improving family communication, fostering family traditions, and teaching life skills, such as meal planning, budgeting, and food preparation.  Encouraging families to prepare simple, healthy meals and eat together supports the essence of family and consumer sciences: “Creating Healthy and Sustainable Families.” Learn more about Dining In Day and find some great resources for yourself and your club.

Winter Becoming an Outdoors Woman Program

The 2020 Winter Becoming an Outdoors Woman program will be held on February 21-23, 2020 at Bryant Pond 4-H Camp and Learning Center, 17 Conservation Lane, Bryant Pond ME 04219 in Oxford County. This fun weekend is geared towards women seeking new ways to get outdoors, meet new friends, and challenge themselves. All meals and lodging are provided and space is limited to 36 participants. Click for more information or call 207.665.2068.