Got Livestock, Need Hay?

hay bales stacked upWednesday, December 9, 2020

Did you miss this session? Watch the recording now.  (YouTube) and view the new fact sheet Bulletin #2263, How Maine Farmers Can Determine if They Have Enough Hay and Forage for the Winter

Many livestock and equine owners in Maine purchase all of their hay and forage needs for winter. While this year’s growing season started out well, forage growth was reduced due to low rainfall in most of the state, especially for second and third hay cuttings. 

Rick Kersbergen, University of Maine Cooperative Extension Professor, will share information for livestock owners on how to assess what they have for feed, assess how much feed they will need for the next six to seven months, and strategies to consider if they don’t have enough feed.

Chris Howard, UMaine Extension Risk Management Crop Insurance Educator, will share information about the Crop Insurance Program as it relates to livestock producers.

The session will be recorded for later viewing.

For more information or reasonable accommodation, please contact Donna Coffin at 207.262.7726 or