Author: choward

When should I call a vet for my animals?

Answer: Here is a publication that goes through when you should call a vet for your animals: You should call a vet in an emergency such as when your animals are attacked by a predator, or they have been hurt and have a large open wound. Also, you should call a vet if there […]

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How do I prepare my horse pasture for summer grazing?

Question: I am planning on taking my horses off their winter paddock around May 1st and putting them on one of the other pastures. If I over seeded that pasture now, would it be enough time for the grass seed to at least take root? If I can seed now, what quick germination seed would […]

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How do I improve my pasture quality for my horses?

Question: I am new to having horses at home and I am unsure if the quality of my pasture is right for the horses. I am sending off a soil test this week but I am looking for recommendations of pasture seed to put out now to help with what I already have for native […]

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How do I find information about growing pork in Maine?

Question: We’re interested in raising pigs & poultry to sell locally this year from our farm and we want to make sure we do everything correctly. Do you have any webinars about producing pork and poultry? Answer: Selling Meat in Maine – Red Meat Focus and Selling Meat in Maine – Poultry Focus And visit […]

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What is making the price of eggs rise so much in 2023?

Answer: Avian influenza is one of many things that have impacted egg prices and availability. Other things include increased demand; inflation & the war in Ukraine have caused increased grain prices and increased transportation costs; increased labor costs; and a shift from caged layers to cage-free layer farms. Also, local farms may experience reduced egg […]

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How many chickens are raised on farms in Maine?

Question: In my science class, we are looking at how climate affects domestic and wild animals. My animal of choice is the chicken. Do you have data related to the population of chickens in Maine, specifically Aroostook County? Answer: The Census of Agriculture would be your best place to look. Select the Census year (2017 […]

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Where can I purchase piglets in Maine?

Question: I am trying to find a source for piglets, preferably in southern Maine, for this spring. Where can I purchase them? Answer: As an educational institution we are not allowed to recommend specific vendors or service providers. My first suggestion is to ask your previous farmer, if they have any recommendations. There is a […]

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What do I do if my chickens consumed paint with lead in it?

Question: I live in Maine and have 3 hens laying eggs. Last fall our chickens escaped their pen and we found them pecking up and eating paint that had flecked off our 1860’s house. Given the age of the house, it’s likely this paint has lead in it and we stopped eating the eggs once […]

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Can turkeys and chickens be housed together?

Question: I recently moved to Maine, and purchased nearly 25 acres. My husband and I purchased chickens last year and planned to raise turkeys this year. I’m reading that turkeys and chickens cannot be housed together because of Blackhead Disease. Is this true? Answer: Chickens can be carriers of Blackhead disease. It is complicated. Blackhead […]

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What are the best management practices for spreading manure on fields?

Question: What are the best management practices for spreading manure on fields? I’m concerned that the neighbor farmer is spreading too close to the river and it will runoff into the river. Who can I report this to? Answer: The MDACF regulates manure spreading at their Nutrient Management Division. Their contact info is on the […]

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