Piscataquis County Extension Association

Report Executive Committee Volunteer Hours

The Piscataquis County Extension Association is the legally-constituted official organization for conducting Extension work in the county; its services are available to all residents according to the County Extension Act. Any resident of Piscataquis County, who expresses an interest in Extension and a desire to support its work, shall be considered to be a member. This is an opportunity to join others with a broad range of interests and a common desire to help Maine people improve their lives through an ongoing educational process, using the latest in research-based knowledge.

A County Extension Executive Committee is elected by the Association membership and may serve up to two consecutive three-year terms.  There are exceptions that have permitted longer terms of service.  Members are encouraged to consider serving on the Executive Committee!

Executive Committee

  • President: Kim Merritt
  • Vice President: Jackie DiPalma
  • Treasurer: Rick Cabot, MD
  • Secretary: Caitlin Walsh
  • Dwain Allen

Piscataquis County Staff

  • Trisha Smith, 4-H Professional
  • Anette Moulton, Administrative Specialist

Contact the Executive Committee

UMaine Extension
165 East Main Street
Dover-Foxcroft, ME 04426

Additional Resources

2021 Pecha Kucha Presentation Summary of
University of Maine  Cooperative Extension Programming in Piscataquis County