ELT Minutes, October 12, 2011

Extension Leadership Team Minutes
October 12, 2011
UMA Richard J. Randall Student Technology Center Small Conference Center

Facilitator: Fran Sulinski

Note taker: Lisa Phelps

Present: Dennis Harrington, John Rebar, Fran Sulinski, Lisa Phelps and Jon Prichard via video chat.
Guest: Jennifer Lobley and Michele Lodgek via video chat.

Please note: Due to the confidentiality and sensitivity of some agenda items, these ELT minutes do not represent the full content of each meeting.

4-H Foundation Update: The next board meeting will be October 19th and Lisa will be presenting and answering questions related to the 4-H PLT program support proposal.

Caribou Hall Update (Penobscot County Extension Office): The Memorandum Of Understanding (MOU) between the University of Maine Augusta, University of Maine System and the University of Maine is in draft status and is close to being finalized. We are excited that this is moving forward.

Volunteer Policy Manual: Jen Lobley has worked with an advisory committee for the past 18 months to create a staff document, which outlines policies around volunteer management. The ELT reviewed the draft Volunteer Policy Manual and answered questions that have been raised by the Volunteer Advisory Committee (VAC) and provided additional feedback. It was also suggested to have an external review done of the volunteer policy manual. Jen Lobley will follow up with the Bodwell Center and an Extension Volunteer specialist from another state for the external review. The ELT commends Jen Lobley and the VAC for putting this valuable resource together and moving our organization forward.

Centralized Database Update: The ELT approved the initial user interface and Michele Lodgek will work with the developers to design the “alpha” database for testing.

Year End Financial Review: John and Dennis reviewed the year-end budget and will share highlights of this with the organization.

Clover Promotion Success: The Clover Promotion is the most successful statewide annual development effort within 4-H in the past 20 years. Through Audrey Chapman’s leadership, the program has resulted in partnering with 100 businesses to promote 4-H. The ELT is encouraging all UMaine Extension Staff to be supportive of local businesses that are supporting and participating in the Clover Promotion.

Link to the Clover Promotion site that lists the participating businesses and organizations.

MOU Process: As staff members work with Dennis to craft and finalize MOU’s, it is important to inform the other entity or entities of our non-discrimination and ADA obligation and the expectation that it will be posted on any program materials that solicit participation. The MOU should also clarify what entity or entities will cover the cost of accommodations.


  • Congratulations to Ann Swain who has been awarded $14,340 by the DHHS Office of Elder Services, state of Maine to fund travel expenses for the volunteers of the Senior Companion Program for FY2012.
  • Congratulations to Debbie Bouchard who has been awarded $5,000 through a contract with the Maine State Department of Marine Resources to serve as a consultant for compliance with aquatic animal health rules by those seeking to transfer aquatic animals.
  • Congratulations to Karen Hatch-Gagne who has been awarded $68,664 by the USDA to continue the work of the Operation Military Kids program.
  • Congratulations to David Handley and Tori Jackson who have been awarded $259,000 by the USDA Risk Management Agency to help farmers to understand and secure crop insurance.