ELT Minutes, April 9, 2012
Extension Leadership Team Minutes
April 9, 2012
Room 102 B Libby Hall
9:00 am to 3:30 pm
Facilitator: Fran Sulinski
Note taker: Jon Prichard
Present: Dennis Harrington, Lisa Phelps (by video), Jon Prichard (by video), John Rebar and Fran Sulinski.
Please note: Due to the confidentiality and sensitivity of some agenda items, these ELT minutes do not represent the full content of each meeting.
Tanglewood and Bryant Pond leases: The Tanglewood lease has been shared with Tanglewood staff to be presented for UMS Board of Trustees approval. The Bryant Pond (BP) lease is mostly completed but awaiting some Bangor Savings Bank details from BP board members.
Centralized Data Base updates: The Centralized Data Base update is proceeding.
County Financial Transition: Joan Day will be scheduling county-based meetings for Dennis to attend to provide orientation and training as to how county program funds will be managed through the UMaine system.
Status on searches as of April 13, 2012
POS#193 Communications Technology Professional – Interviews on 4/30
POS#194 Parent Education Professional – Knox/Lincoln – Offered
POS#195 Tech Wizard Assistant – Interviews on 4/20
POS#197 Parent Education Professional — Waldo – Interviews on 4/24
POS#198 4-H Professional – York – Advertising on 4/13
POS#199 4-H Professional (Campus) – Accepting Applications
POS#200 Crops Professional – Presque Isle –on HOLD
POS#201 Program Development & Marketing Professional – Accepting Applications
POS #202 AgrAbility Professional – Accepting Applications