ELT Minutes, July 25, 2012

Wednesday, July 25, 2012
UMA – Room 114 – Jewett Hall
8:00 am to 3:30 pm

Facilitator: Lisa Phelps

Note taker: John Rebar

Present: Dennis Harrington, Lisa Phelps, Jon Prichard & John Rebar

Absent: Fran Sulinski

Please note: Due to the confidentiality and sensitivity of some agenda items, these ELT minutes do not represent the full content of each meeting.

Creating Promotional and Marketing Materials: There have been several incidents where staff members are seeking waivers to following expected protocol regarding branding and the University Style Guide. It is very important that all promotional and marketing material be reviewed and approved by the Marketing Manager. It is the role of the Marketing Manager to see that whatever is produced within Extension is compliant with University policies.

4-H Science: Lisa reported that Extension has hired a graduate student to work in the 4-H Science effort with Laura Wilson. The graduate student is funded through the PRE-VUE grant that was awarded earlier this year.


  • Lisa and John gave a presentation to the Development organizations at UMaine (Development Office & UMaine Foundation) on 4-H Science. The presentation was well received and Lisa is following up with requests for more information.
  • Dennis reported that the Centralized Database Management System is continuing to progress. There is a concern with the amount of time needed with the beta testing. The intention is to launch the new system this fall.

Carnegie Classification: Kristin Sobolik, Associate Dean of CLAS, is inviting Extension to be part of a group that will be applying for the continuation of the Community Engagement Carnegie Classification for UMaine. Jon & John will attend the initial session of the group.

National Extension Urban Conference: The ELT is considering sending a representative to the 2013 National Extension Urban Conference. Lisa will follow up with possible participants. The dates of the conference are May 6-9, 2013 in Overland, Kansas.

Usability Study for Reporting System: Dennis will be partnering with Cindy Eves-Thomas and Jennifer O’Leary on a usability study for our reporting system.

FY 2012 Grant Update: Dennis provided a grant update for this fiscal year. Faculty and professionals have been awarded $4.3 million for FY2012. Many thanks go to everyone who has been a part of the external funding process.

Development Plan: The ELT is very grateful to Doug Babkirk for drafting a development plan for UMaine Cooperative Extension. Doug will be meeting with the ELT on October 3, to review the plan.

Sustainability Project: This project has been rolled out to all Extension staff. The ELT is fully supportive and we encourage all staff to participate in the data submission and interview process. The ELT is grateful to the leadership team who is overseeing this project.

Status on searches as of July 24, 2012:

  • POS#198 4-H Professional – York – Offered and Accepted
  • POS#200 Extension Educator, Assistant Extension Professor (Agronomist) Presque Isle – Accepting Applications
  • POS #203 Program Administrator — Internal Search – Accepting Applications
  • POS #204 Youth Dev/Food System Professional – Waldo County – JD and PDQ in HR for review
  • POS #205 Parent Education Professional – Waldo County — JD and PDQ in HR for review
  • POS #206 Nutrition & Food Systems Professional Kennebec/Somerset Counties — Preparing paperwork to send to HR