ELT Minutes, January 13, 2015
Extension Leadership Team Minutes
January 13, 2015
208 Richard Randall Student Center
9:00 – 3:30
Facilitator: John Rebar
Note taker: Jon Prichard
The ELT meeting was held in Augusta (USM) and was abbreviated to allow us to spend the afternoon at the Maine Agricultural Trade Show. A big thanks to all staff who participated in the show by offering workshops, presentations, and spending time at the Extension display. This is a great annual opportunity for engaging with an important segment of our client and public, and Extension’s presence does not go unnoticed. Special thanks to Caragh Fitzgerald and Tracey Ferwerda for an excellent job in organizing the Extension display and coverage.
Fran has been working closely with Nina Lavoie and Karen Kemble on sexual assault policy and trainings that they are offering. The University of Maine System Board of Trustees adopted a new policy and procedure addressing Sex Discrimination, Sexual Harassment, Sexual Assault, Relationship Violence, Stalking and Retaliation. Employees (including student employees) and volunteers are required to report incidents of sexual violence as well as complete training to understand the policy and procedures. Karen Kemble Director of the Office of Equal Opportunity and Nina Lavoie of UMS Office of Legal Counsel will be offering this training via Tandberg on January 14 and 21. For those who are unable to attend on these dates there is a one-hour online training module available via MaineStreet. This training will also discuss the implications for our volunteers and what is being planned to communicate and train volunteers.
Dennis has been appointed to chair the search committee for Associate Director of Sponsored Programs.
4-H staff are developing an internal training for 4-H Online, the new 4-H enrollment management system. Dana Rickman, Jessy Brainerd and Michele Lodgek are doing a great job in putting this together. Dana is the best person to go to for questions.
Michele Lodgek will be repeating her credit card security training in all counties to assure we are fully PCI Compliant.
In December the Maine Families Home Visiting Program of Knox, Lincoln and Sagadahoc counties came together under one roof. Previously working out of two offices, in Rockland and Waldoboro, they now join together in Extension’s Waldoboro office. The staff are excited about working together, sharing expertise and supporting one another.
Fran completed and has submitted Extension’s Civil Rights report to USDA. Thanks to all staff for the attention to our civil rights responsibilities and to all staff who contributed to the report.
Planning on the new bond funded Animal, Plant, and Insect Control Lab is on target and moving along quickly. Dennis is representing the ELT and Extension in this process. Jim Dill and Anne Lichtenwalner are also part of the design team.
Ryder Scott will be meeting with the ELT on January 23rd to offer an annual update on Extension’s 4-H Camp/Centers.
The 2015 annual meeting of the Maine 4-H Foundation will be May 19th.
Extension Copy Machines. The University has signed a new copier contract that changes the costs to us for machines. In the past our charges have been based primarily on the numbers of copies we make, allowing us to have multiple copiers in place for low cost. The new situation will charge us a fee for each copier as well as numbers of copies. We are exploring the implications of this, but it is clear it will increase our overall costs. For now, as a cost savings move, we will make the following changes:
- Downsize the Libby Hall mailroom copier.
- Consolidate the Director and Operations copiers in a single copier to be located in Room 105 (Across from Operations Office.
- Remove one of the two copiers in Corbett Hall.
Congratulations to the Senior Companion Program for receiving $5,000 from the Robert T. and Beatrice B. Goodrich Trust for support of the program in Aroostook, Hancock and Washington Counties.
Congratulations to Heather Francis and Tanglewood 4-H Camp and Learning Center on receiving a $25,000 grant from the Mudge Foundation to support the camp’s work with tribal youth of Maine. This funding will provide scholarships for up 100 tribal youth to participate in Open Air Classroom and/or Summer Camp programming at Tanglewood.
Announcement Invitation:
The ELT invites you to submit items to be included in the minutes/announcements of the next regularly scheduled ELT meeting. This is an opportunity to share with the ELT and the rest of the organization any of the following:
- Notable programmatic accomplishments
- Development or fundraising success
- Significant new partnerships and/or opportunities
- Important transitions
Please take the opportunity to share your good works through this avenue. Keep it brief… approximately two to four sentences would be appreciated. To submit an announcement, please contact your PA or appropriate member of the ELT.
Please remember to visit University of Maine’s news site for additional University of Maine Cooperative Extension highlight.
Search Update:
CEA CL2 Andro/Sag Posting closed
CEA CL2 Cumberland Posting closed
CEA CL2 Orono Posting closed
Accounting & Reporting Professional Posted
Program Administrator Posted
Crop Insurance Education Program Manager Pending Acceptance
4-H STEM Program Professional Pending Acceptance
CEA CL2 Horticulture Coordinator Pending Acceptance
Telstar 4-H Professional Posted
ELT Meeting Dates – 2015 – Meetings are from 9:00 am to 3:30 pm – unless otherwise noted
Dates |
Facilitator |
Notes |
Location |
January 23 | Prichard | Harrington | Orono – 102B |
February 10 | Harrington | Sulinski | Orono – 102B |
March 3 | Sulinski | Phelps | Augusta – 218 Richard Randall Student Center |
March 25 | Phelps | Rebar | Orono – 102B |
April 15 | Rebar | Prichard | Orono – 102B |
May 1 | Prichard | Harrington | Augusta – 218 Richard Randall Student Center |
May 20 | Harrington | Sulinski | Orono -102B |