Extension Roadmap Steering Committee Meeting Notes, June 14, 2021

Meeting Notes

Monday, June 14, 2021, 1:00-2:00 p.m., Zoom

Facilitator: Hannah Carter

Notetaker: Hannah Carter

Present: H. Carter, A. Smart, J. Bolton, K. Yerxa, L. Wilson, M. Snowden, R. Scott, S. Baez., T. Tilton, T. Jackson, D. Harrington (representing ELT), F. Sulinski (representing ELT), L. Phelps (representing ELT)

Not Present: M. Glatter, R. Machado, M. Bailey, B. Foster

H. Carter gave a brief timeline of the Roadmap Process:

  • October 2020: Asked for volunteers from the organization to serve on one of five Theme Committees.  Themes were developed from the organizational survey that was conducted in July of 2020.  Additionally, asked for volunteers to serve as Theme Committee leaders.
  • November 2020: Committees were determined as well and leaders identified.
  • February 2021: Committee reports due to the Dean.
  • March 2021: All Organization Meeting with Theme Committee Presentations and initial voting.
  • April 2021: Organization-wide survey on all Theme Committee recommendations
  • June 2021: Steering Committee volunteers identified and the first meeting takes place.

Group norms and assumptions were discussed:

  1. There are no preconceived ideas of what needs to occur within the work of this Steering Committee.
  2. There will be rotating facilitation of Steering Committee meetings.
  3. There will be a “Steering Committee” page on the Roadmap website to ensure transparency and communication to the organization.  The page will include membership, agendas, updates on recommendations from the theme committees, and other information that is discussed.
  4. We will create a shared agenda document that will be ongoing in the shared Google folder.

The work of the Steering Committee:

  1. Possibly construct a mission statement (e.g. Ryder/Alicyn’s theme committee) which would be an overarching guiding statement of this committee.
  2. Fran will give access to members of this committee to the survey results from the organization-wide survey conducted after the “All Organization” meeting.
  3. Fran and Hannah will create a spreadsheet of the recommendations found in the survey for ease of Steering Committee members to share their opinions on if items should move forward following the recommendations of the organization through the survey.
  4. During the July meeting, Steering Committee members are asked to go through the organization survey and complete the spreadsheet (#3) and be prepared to discuss.
  5. The Steering Committee is determining if recommendations will:
    • move forward in the next 6 months (low hanging fruit)
    • will move forward but will need more time and effort (in the next year +)
    • are a longer-term, bigger idea that may take three years to implement (or longer) and
    • will no longer be considered due to being outside of a decision the organization can make (due to HR, finances, etc.)

Statements/Quotes Not to Lose:

“Things that need solutions.”

— From NSFA Dean Search Committee, K. Yerxa